Alright here we go. My thoughts on the new 27 Bachelor contestants. (you can read my thoughts on week 1 of Juan Pablo's season here)
Before I start this, let me just say that I'm sure all of these women are smart, strong, kind women with great personalities. I'm sure they're all great people. This has nothing to do with who they are as PEOPLE, just my own thoughts while watching this in a very shallow, judgmental mindset because they are on this absurd television show, and they do CRAZY STUFF to get either airtime or Juan Pablo's attention.
So if you're reading this and thinking "Oh my goodness klew is so shallow and ignorant and THESE GIRLS ARE PEOPLE!" You need to chill the F out and realize that these women subjected themselves to the public eye, and that I UNDERSTAND that the producers of this show probably piece things together to create characters out of them. I love people and I love watching them interact with others, I just get a lot of entertainment out of watching all of this go down.
And if you're one of these girls on this list and you're reading this (doubtful, this blog is so insignificant lol) then PROPS girlfriend for going on the Bachelor. You've got a lot of guts, and I actually want to hear all about it.
Ok. Here goes nothin. These were my first reactions of these girls as they stepped out of the limo to meet Juan Pablo.
1. Amy L., 27, News Reporter from FL:
PERFECT MEETING. She wasn't awkward at all, she didn't do anything weird. I loved it.
2. Cassandra, 21, Former NBA Dancer from Rochester Hills, MI:
SHE'S ONLY 21!?!?!? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?!?!? 1, why aren't in college or something...2, HE HAS A CHILD! YOU CANNOT TELL ME YOU'RE READY TO BE A MOM. No. Dress is stunning, also holy crap she was so awkward hahahahah omg.
3. Christy, 24, Marketing Manager from Chicago:
Hate her dress. It looks like a bad wedding dress. Also 24!? Why. I don't like her.
4. Christine, 23, Police Support Specialist from Miami:
WHY IS EVERYONE SO YOUNG!? I'm 23! THERE ARE SO MANY OPPORTUNITIES TO MEET PEOPLE WHEN YOU'RE 23. THIS GUY IS 32 WITH A CHILD. WHY ARE YOU TRYING TO MARRY HIM. GO LIVE YOUR 23 YEAR OLD LIFE. She's stunning though. Love her dress and her earrings, and the little bracelet she gave him was cute.
5. Nikki, 26, Pediatric Nurse from Kansas City:
Ok, automatic favorite because she's from Kansas City. I liked her heartbeat thing. Cheesy, but not awkward. It was cute. She seems really warm and nice. Maybe I'm biased though. GO KC!
6. Kat, 29, Medical Sales Rep. from Scottsdale, AZ:
She looks like a girl I went to school with. Also thank the lord. 29. The dance thing was stupid though.
7. Chantel, 27, Account Manager from Miami:
I didn't love her dress, but she speaks Spanish. She also pronounced his name right. She seems sassy and cool so...ok fine.
8. Victoria, 24, Legal Assistant from Boca Raton, FL:
WHYYYY ARE YOU 24. I DON'T UNDERSTAND. Loved her dress, and the Portuguese thing. She was sweet.
9. Lucy, 24, Free Spirit from Santa Barbara, CA:
.....................i just can't. I don't even know where to begin with this. WHAT IS YOUR JOB. Also you're barefoot. We get it, you're a hippy. Trying way way way too hard. You realize this guy has a daughter. He's not trying to be all experimental and shit. I just don't even know where to go with this. Also, you're 24. She's definitely around just for the entertainment factor. Producer pick. Jesus.
10. Danielle, 25, Psychiatric Nurse from St. Louis:
I didn't love the ombre dress. She was so normal, and that's a good thing.
11. Lauren S. 26, Music Composer from Austin, TX:
SHE RODE IN ON A PIANO BIKE. OMG I LOVE THIS GIRL. THAT WAS SO CUTE. THe song was beautiful and she was kind of nervous and awkward which was so endearing. Also she forgot to tell him her name. Omg she was so cute. She's one of my faves.
12. Chelsie, 24, Science Educator from Columbus, OH:
DO LESS. She did the weird science experiment thing. First of all he has no idea what she's trying to do becuase she's talking so fast and OMG that was the worst pickup line ever. I hated all of that. Do less.
13. Valerie, 26, Personal Trainer from Sutter, CA:
Eh. She was boring. Who cares that you're wearing boots. But her dress was really cool.
14. Elise, 27, Teacher from Forty FOrt, PA:
Amazing dress. She was so normal and pretty.
15. Ashley, 25, Grade School Teacher from Dallas:
I LOVE HER. I think she's so pretty and so calm and confident. Her dress is cool.
16. Clare, 32, Hairstylist from Sacramento:
She's the girl who had her dad make that DVD for her future husband. She'll get far only because they want to see what's on that DVD. Also the pregnant thing was stupid if you ask me. OBVIOUSLY THEY WOULDN'T LET A PREGNANT CHIC ON THIS SHOW. Whatever. I'm over her. Props on being over the age of 25 tho.
17. Ali, 26, Nanny from Chicago:
She came out with the soccer ball. REALLLL ORIGINAL.
18. Amy J., 31, Massage Therapist from LA:
I'm scared of her. She came on wayyyyy strong. Too much.
19. Renee, 32, Real Estate Agent from Sarasota, FL:
I THINK HE NEEDS TO PICK HER. She's so pretty and she's a single mom and shes HIS AGE FOR GODS SAKE and she seems effortless and perfect. I hope he picks her. She's my favorite. Her and KC girl.
20. Lauren H., 25, Mineral Coordinator from Oklahoma City:
Too many accessories. She was fine. Forgettable
21. Maggie, 24, Personal Banker from South Carolina:
She's cute. 24 THOUGH UGH WHY IS EVERYONE SO YOUNG. Cute though
22. Kelly, 27 Dog Lover from Conyers, GA:
YOUR JOB IS DOG LOVER!? .......k. The dog was a little much. Like why did you need that.
23. Lacy, 25, Nursing Home Oner from La Jolla, CA:
Props to you girl that you're 25 and you own your own business. I hated her dress though, and the "perscription" thing was so cheesy. Dumb cheesy.
24. Alexis, 24, Communications Director from Tampa, FL:
SHE IS SO SO SO PRETTY. Oh my gosh. Normal and sweet. YOUNG THOUGH.
25. Kylie, 23, Interior Designer from Rockford, IL:
26. Sharleen, 29, Opera Singer from Germany:
Her dress was really unique and she was so calm, cool, and collected. And when she told him he was a singer she was really modest about it. I like her. She seems like a bro. She's up there in my book.
27. Andi, 26, Assistant District Attorney from Atlanta:
BEAUUUUTIFUL. She looks just like Maddie Terry. She seems so cool and edgy, and funny. I like her a lot too.
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