
HI I'm Kathryn, generally. Though Klew refers to me exclusively as Hoven.

As you can tell from my cool earrings, I'm a Jayhawk, recently (okay less recently) minted alumna of the lovely College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. Big fan of degrees in the humanities, and thoughtfulness. Originally from Florida, then Jersey, then Singapore, then Jersey, then almost Texas, then actually Kansas. Now back working in God's country, Northern New Jersey (don't even speak to me about south Jersey).

THINGS I LIKE: Reading, editing people's writing (miss you, college), writing myself (words, I love 'em), cooking, real pizza, punctuation, the Kennedys, feminism, shoes, Kansas basketball, European soccer (Manchester United is shattering my heart), Mindy Kaling, Amy Poehler, daydreaming about living in London, traveling, driving with windows down, Dave Grohl, asking people to name their favorite things, tea, sending friends music on Spotify, chocolate, East coast everything, bears, Irish accents (accents in general but that's my favorite), parentheticals, road trips, cheese, European history, lady heroes, penne vodka, mentors, and One Direction. Believer in the Oxford Comma. And Klew for thinking my thoughts are worth sharing.

THINGS I WANT: A passport that needs extra pages, a deeply fulfilling job that I love, and a Bernese Mountain dog name Bear.

THINGS THAT SHOULDN'T BE: seafood (how do you guys do it?), tart things (so not so much on the fruit- hoping no scurvy), people who insist on talking over others, scraping snow off my car, cleaning, stress acne, my decision to give up swearing for Lent, people who choose not to use their words.

IF I WON THE LOTTERY: I would keep going to college forever to get an absurd amount of degrees because learning is the best, never stop traveling, and get speech coach to teach me to master accents. Also Bear the dog. Bear is in every life plan.

THINGS THAT SURPRISED ME: Usually think I hate everything, but my like list is a whole lot longer than loathe. How's that for being more positive, mom?

SO let's be friends and talk about things, and thanks Klew for forcing me to be less lazy.

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