Happy Valentine's Day!

It's that time again fools. Valentine's Day is here again!

While no, I don't have a boyfriend (but I do have an iPhone. iPhone/Boyfriend combo is the pinnacle of all existence if you didn't already know. Will discuss at a later date), I do LOVE Valentine's day. In elementary school you got that entire party where you got to craft yourself a cute little box and pick out various character themed Valentines to give to your classmates. Mine were obviously always Disney Princess themed. duh.

In college, living in the sorority house always brought all kinds of surprises. Mom Tom always had candy all over the house and people's parents/boyfriends would send flowers to the house so there would be blooms EVERYWHERE YOU TURNED! Plus on Valentines day lots of brands do "all red and pink" flavored versions of their candy. Red is the best flavor. Always. Also cheap drinks because it's a holiday. So I'm asking you...what's not to love!?

A few years ago my parents came to Lawrence and took me to the Eldridge for Valentine's Day (I always have a meal with M&D on V-day. Today we went to PF Changs. It was delish. But I digress) Anyways, eldridge. Since it was Valentine's day me and Dad got a Mint Chocolate Martini. And by "a mint chocolate martini" i mean "3 Mint chocolate Martinis." They gave me a cute little heart shaped trinket and dropped me off at chapter a little buzzed, which kept things interesting the rest of the night. It was a fab day!

Last year on Valentine's day we had RCR rehearsal. There were all kinds of treats that our cast members brought us, and a boy gave me a puppy. Granted, the boy was McElvain and the Puppy was neither mine nor his, so this is in no way a significant Valentine gesture. What's important to remember here is that I got to cuddle with a puppy on Valentines Day and it was adorable.

I really don't understand those people that "boycott" Valentine's Day. Like, "I have no boyfriend I'm going to die alone I hate love I hate Valentine's Day."  Sorry but NEWSFLASH: Valentine's Day is meant to celebrate the people you love! You can't tell me if you don't have a boyfriend that there is nobody you love. Everyone has a best friend. Most people have a puppy. Everyone has a MOM. So give someone a piece of candy. Send them a card. DO SOMETHING TO MAKE THEIR DAY! I went into the stationary store yesterday during my lunch break to admire everything in there and ended up buying a ton of Valentines for my pals. It was fun to write to them just being like "yo. remember that i love you tons! have a gr8 day!" And now I'm excited for them to recieve them. THAT'S WHAT VALENTINE'S DAY IS ALL ABOUT!

Here's a list of some of my favorite Valentine's I've seen/recieved/sent this year.
10. This @QueenLesli one

9. This awesome Cinderella one Shanna sent me.

8. This hilarious one that Bones sent me. Which I in turn sent to like 4 million other people

7. This one that I gave to Dan Woodward (bc no labels tho)

6. Not really a Valentine, but how can you not love this. Especially on Valentine's Day

5. This hilarious Newsies one I sent to Zee

4. This other gr8 Newsies one. I love Newsies. 

3. These awesome Parks & Rec Valentines. (Happy Belated Galentine's Day Btw.)


2. THIS AMAZING AMY POEHLER VIDEO +Kathryn Hoven  SENT ME. I love Amy so much.

1. This hilarious Shark valentine I found and Instagrammed and sent to all people. I think it's hilarious.

So that's all. Now I'm home and too tired to do anything and lay around with Lucy. I'm eating chocolate and am all snuggly, so I don't hate it.

Hope it was a fantastic Valentine's day!

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