Short & sweet this week.

Music Is Power- Richard Ashcroft

Most likely you know Richard Ashcroft from "Bittersweet Symphony" (also known as that song at the end of Cruel Intentions), and I hadn't listened to any Richard Ashcroft myself until recently, and this song gets me. Also just the right spirit for summer, and reassurance, and great things. And that's the point of the song. That's what music can do. "Don't give in, don't give up, don't pack it up, stop cracking up, let the song carry you on and keep you strong." IT'S GOOD ADVICE, FRIENDS.

She's Gone- Hall and Oates

The Rock & Roll Hall of Fame induction was on HBO last week, and Hall and Oates performed this song, which is one of my favorites. Sing along to this song in your car- you'll have fun (the gas station attendants by my work think I'm insane for how many times they've seen me belting this song in the past week alone). Hall and Oates were in the jukebox of my favorite bar in college, and they were in the jukebox at my mom's favorite bar in college (same bar, love The Wheel forever for that reason). I have so many great memories to Hall and Oates, and so does she, so it was sweet for us to both recall and have this association, which is now another connection to each other. So thanks Hall and Oates, thanks to jukeboxes, thanks to The Wheel, and thanks, Ma.

Now, Now- St. Vincent
Nirvana was also inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame and they closed the show with a handful of songs, all sung by female musicians (Joan Jett, Kim Gordon, St. Vincent, and Lorde) it was AMAZING. When asked why female leads, Dave Grohl and Krist Novoselic (both of whom are beloved by my teen and present soul) they replied  that they felt it was what Kurt would have wanted- and they had some comments on the representation of women as well. And it was LOVELY. Annie Clark performs under the name St. Vincent, and used to play for The Polyphonic Spree and Sufjan Stevens and you can catch that effervescence of those earlier acts in her style.  This song can be simple it can be cacophonous it can be strange but it is most definitely beautiful, and sounds like spring. (I linked to all of the performances of Nirvana- well worth a watch!)

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