my letter to harrison as he graduates from high school...and is about to kick ass at worlds.

YOU GUYS. The last member of MY Fierce Five is a senior. Harrison. He's the owners' son and one of my closest friends I had on my team. He's like a little brother to me, and I have spent the entire year cheering him on and watching him do AMAZING THINGS. He's headed to Worlds for his final performance, and then going to try out for Cheerleading at the University of Kentucky. I can't even tell you how proud I am of him. The end of the year banquet was this week, and I wrote him a little note. It's really cheesy, but it brought tears to his eyes (which I am pretty pleased with. the fact that i can make a dude cry lolz.). So I figured I'd share it with you. Here's to H, and all of the awesome things that are coming up in his future.

Harrison! I like the Cubs!

I'm never a serious person, but this is probably going to be pretty cheesy. DEAL WITH IT. Don't make fun of me. I'll end you. 

Here you sit. The night of the KC Cheer end of the year banquet as a graduating senior. Did you ever think you'd make it to this point? I'll tell you right now I can't believe you're  already here. I can remember VIVIDLY the little grumpy kid standing in the middle of the mach 3 mini's dance with his arms crossed around his chest REFUSING to smile. The kid with a bunch of girls dancing around him as he rolled his eyes and wished he was dead in the Candy Man dance. The kid who didn't realize it at first, but now laughs with me at the fact that I always giggled at the "Do It to me right now" dance that you did when you were on Junior coed and I was a senior. 

I guess I was kind of the leader of Fierce 5. I was always the one giving the motivational speeches and trying to get everyone to be as passionate as I was about our team. I have been part of a lot of different groups throughout high school and college, and I have never loved a group or been prouder to call myself a part of a group as I have been about Fierce Five. I loved every second of my time on Fierce 5 and the choice to Super Senior was easily one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. I felt like Fierce Five needed me, and I was scared if I left people would lose the passion. I want nothing more than to see Fierce Five be successful, and the thought of the team dissolving or losing its drive broke my heart. Who would be the leader when I left? Who would motivate everybody? I guess that’s besides the point. There are a lot of reasons I’m glad I chose to do one last year, but above all I’m most thankful that it allowed me to be on a team with you. 

I remember the first day of Worlds practices, aka your first Worlds practice ever. You seemed so excited to work hard and were just as hell bent on kicking ass as I was.  I knew right then that Fierce Five would be in good hands even after I left. (I’m sure it always would be, I’m just a control freak.. you eased my nerves about it)

Now it brings me such joy to see what a name Fierce Five has and how AMAZING the team has become. I truly think that that is in large part to you. You are an amazing leader and teammate and it blows me away how much everyone respects you and looks up to you as the leader of this amazing team. Even the little kids who are on other teams in the gym look at you with big bug eyes while you help them get better or wish them luck on their performances. THEY LOVE YOU. And I think that is so cool. You have truly achieved MY dream of being the leader of a team of extremely passionate individuals that have a chance to do EXTREMELY WELL at Worlds. Normally id be really jealous of anyone who was given this opportunity (klew’s world, everyone else is just livin in it duh), but since it's you that gets to experience it I am nothing but overwhelmingly proud. I think you deserve every single shining moment you receive, plus thousands more. 

One of the most special moments of my entire cheerleading career is when you came and gave me and RABE a huge hug after you won your paid bid to worlds. I'm sure the entire thing was a blur to you, and I’m sure klew and rabe were the LEAST of your worries at that point, but the first thing that came out of your mouth to us was "thank you. I wouldn’t still be here if it wasn’t for you guys" ...My heart is full Harrison. It’s full. I have never been so stoked for a person and I am so glad I was able to watch that happen. I get tears in my eyes every time I watch fierce 5 perform because 1. I cry at everything, 2. You guys are fkn awesome, and 3. It's so cool to watch you and how far you've come as an athlete and a performer. I LOVE that I have the ability to call myself your teammate.

So now you have one final job to do. Go out there and give the performance of a lifetime at worlds 2014. Everything's perfectly set up for you to do so well, you just have to keep working hard and KICK SO MUCH ASS. Enjoy every second on the floor. Take a moment to stop and breathe and take it in. The fact that you're at worlds. That you made it. That you worked your ass off and now you are in this beautiful place with these amazing teammates doing what you love. That’s such a special dream come true, and it’s really rare that you come across moments that special in your life, so please enjoy it no matter what.

No matter what happens, just know that I am SO INCREDIBLY PROUD to call you my teammate And my second little brother. Also ill be right there with you in a week cheering you on, as always. 

Love you very much you betch. Welcome to the fierce five alumni club!

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