Fame Update: America's Best

Woo woo woo! Our first two-day competition is in the books! This weekend we were in Kansas City for America's Best Nationals. Fame had a pretty deep division, up agains 6 other Junior level 3. Teams.  I'm writing this retroactively so I don't really remember all of the good juicy details, but I can tell you they won first place again!

After the first day they had .25 in deductions, but the high score of ALL of the level 3 teams. They were even beating Flawless, our SENIOR level 3 team (they had a legality issue, but still). Zonko and I were very proud of them.

Day 2 they had some issues. There was a pyramid stunt that went wrong and they had to fight to keep it in the air. Zonko and I thought it was going to be a TON of deductions, but we were actually able to argue a lot of them down! Instead of 1.25 in deductions they only had .75! We were pretty pleased with that. We didn't think they were going to win with that many issues, but they still came out on top. They didn't end up winning Grand Champions, but we think they were probably 2nd or 3rd in line for the award!

We definitely have some work to do to get ready for the big out of town nationals, but Fame has some great momentum right now. Also our National Champion Jackets are sparkly : )

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