"Do small things with great love."
The Bachelor Week 4
Tuesday again. That means we watched the Bachelor last night. Bones and Izzy and Jordan and Lauren came over, complete with box of wine. We had some fantastic laughs as we watched all these fools head to South Korea. We laughed at the fact that now Juan Pablo's on a level playing field because nobody speaks Korean (is that the name of the language they speak? wow am I so ignorant right now?)
Lots of weird food was happening, and they did a lot of really weird shit for dates.
One of the dates was that they had to learn a dance and go on stage and dance with this super famous pop group from South Korea. It was so funny because Nikki (KC Girl) WAS NOT HAVIN IT. Lolololol and she was being so honest in her interviews like "I hate this. I wish I could throw a fit." So funny that she was so straight up. Also Kat was trying to be all sexy the entire time and steal the spotlight and show off her dance moves. Stop. You're done. Nikki got dressed in like the worst outfit. It was hilarious.
A bunch of them went to put their feet in this pool and have fish eat the dead skin off....EW EW EW EW EW EW. Hated that. Also Clare was a psycho this week. She went up to Juan Pablo and was like "OHHH MY GODDD I HOPE WERE NOT GOING TO EAT ANYTHING WEIRD!" And then made a huge dramatic deal about how she didn't want to try octopus (which really isn't even that exotic. you can get that in America) It was obnoxious. She kept squealing. That's the best word I can use for it. Hate her. Her teeth are one piece.
Juan Pablo decided on one of his group dates that he wasn't going to kiss anyone. ...K. He wanted to be a "good role model" for his daughter. I don't get that. You already said you weren't going to let her watch this show. Also how does randomly selecting 3 girls not to kiss make you a good role model? You've already made out with like half of them. Also he broke his promise and kissed Clare. ew. Also he looks like hes the worst kisser of all time. Also he denied the piano bike girl and it was one of the most awkward things I've ever seen.
Also KELLY THE DOG LOVER MAKES HER DEBUT AS HILARIOUS POT STIRRER. She was so funny last night. She was trying to start shit between the girls simply for her own entertainment. Loved it. New favorite asshole.
He had a really cute exchange with Andi. I really like her. Also think she looks exactly like Maddie Terry.
Elise wouldn't stop touching her own hair. Hated it. Glad she's gone.
That's really all I remember. These girls are mostly batshit crazy, and if you ask me Juan Pablo has literally no idea what's going on. Can't wait to see what kind of crap unfolds next week.
our weekend in oklahoma city
This weekend KC Cheer went to Oklahoma City for ASC Nationals, and me and ML made it a reunion trip with Paige and Jessica. We traveled all across the country together for 10 solid years, and so it was a blast to round up the old gang and have another great weekend adventure.
here's Huck and I at ASC in 2004, and 10 years later in 2014. We had some issues feeling super washed up this weekend. We were pretty bummed that we probably couldn't pull out level 5 tumbling anymore. We quickly got over it though when we found out we were invited to coaches dinner.
We drove to OKC on Friday morning, of course stopping at Cane's in Edmond for delicious chicken fingers. We won a free Box Combo while we were there, so obviously we had to stop again on the way home.
My mom has to get to the competitions early in order to get all of the hotel rooms squared away before the kids get there. We spent the afternoon entertaining the hotel staff, and ended up sweet talking our way into a bomb ass suite. Our room was huge. It was awesome.
Saturday morning we were up bright and early to get good seats to watch the level 5 teams perform. It was our job to take notes on all of the teams so we could try to calculate where we thought our level fives would end up. Cheer stalking at its finest. Me and Huck are pros. We went up to the top of the arena so we could get a seat that looked out over the whole floor, and there were A TON of empty seats. So we just took the first four we saw together and some psycho moms were like "NO YOU CAN'T SIT THERE THESE ARE RESERVED FOR OUR ATHLETES!"
....ok. First of all, we were athletes not 5 years ago...we know for a fact you never just go "sit and chill" up top of the arena. Second of all, if they're not sitting there right now, why is it such a big deal for us to sit there until they "come back to sit" (which we knew was not going to happen). They pissed us off, so the next day we got there extra early and plopped ourselves down right in the middle of their section. They couldn't say anything, because they hadn't gotten there before us to save all the seats. Who's laughin now? That's what you get.
We had some mediocre food pretty much for every single meal. Here's a pic of me and mom at Bricktown Brewery. Deece food, GREAT sweet tea.
We also got to go to the coaches dinner at the end of day 1. Lots of laughs, drinks, and carrying on. We reminisced a lot on old hilarious competition stories, and it was so fun to just relax and have a good chat with people who coached me when I was younger. We had a lot of fun.
Fierce 5 kicked ass this weekend. So did Fearless. They both won their divisions, and brought tears to my eyes when they performed. I am such a proud alumnus... proud to say I was once a part of that amazing team.
My girls did really well this weekend. They had a rough first day, and I was not pleased with them. They had some negative attitudes in the practice room, and I was appalled at how they treated each other. Tears streamed down my face as I yelled at them after their day one performance and told them that the practice room is a place to lift one another up and encourage and motivate each other, not to freak out and broadcast that you think you're going to fall. It made me miss my old teammates and the great trust we had in one another. I think it hit a lot of my girls pretty hard because the next day was a total 180. It was some of the greatest energy I had ever seen in the practice room, and they hit a near flawless routine. They ended up winning national champions! Couldn't be more proud of them. They keep getting better and better with each performance.
All in all, great weekend. Happy to be back in the thick of things at KC Cheer, happy to have had my friends come with me this weekend. There is literally nothing like a great cheerleading-filled weekend. Now if you need me I'll be in my bed all day nursing my cheerhangover. Yes. that's a real thing.
fierce 5,
KC Cheer,
national champions,
oklahoma city,
the bachelor, week 3
Lots to discuss about this week's episode of "The Bachelor." Annie and Chelsea came over to watch with me. I know I know, the KU game was on at 8. We caught the end of it. Please don't send us to KU Basketball Hell (Which I imagine to be Iowa State's arena for the rest of eternity. Still hating everything about last Monday's game)
1. Juan Pablo went on a one on one date with Casandra.
First of all, she's 21 years old. I get that she has a kid so you identify with her, but she's still 21. She showed her age like 4 million times during this entire exchange. SHE. IS. TOO. YOUNG. FOR YOU. They went on this boat car thing and rode it out to a yacht and chilled on the yacht and then had dinner at his house... Which Annie thought was his actual house...and she didn't realize they go home and change between the day and the evening. "HOW DID HER HAIR LOOK THAT PERFECT AFTER SWIMMING." ....ok, annie.
2. Elise thought she was gonna get a one-on-one date with Juan Pablo and then she got shafted
Take a shot every time she calls Chelsie "just a little girl" ...surprise, you're wasted.
3. Chelsie went on the Bachelor "lets jump off something" date
They do this every season. Annie pointed that out. "DO YOU REALIZE THEY DID THIS LAST SEASON! Duh Annie. You're captain obvious when we watch this. But ya. Bungee jumping off a cliff. In the words of Hoven, "I would rather be executed by firing squad than do this." She cried about it for like 20 minutes too long. The way I see it, if you die in a bungee jumping accident, it's your time. THAT NEVER EVER HAPPENS, so if it happens to you then just deal with it. you'll die instantly on impact and it was obviously in god's plan for you to go to heaven haha. So they eventually jumped and then, JUST LIKE THEY SAY EVERY SINGLE SEASON, she made some comment about how bungee jumping was a "leap of faith" and a "metaphor for their relationship" because obviously if you can trust someone to go bungee jumping with you, you can trust them to be your life partner. K. "Juan Pablo made me feel safe and made sure I trusted we would be fine when we jumped!" No, certified professionals made sure you were safe and trusted you would be fine when you jumped. It's their job.
4. They went on a group date to go play soccer.
I'm surprised nobody took their tops off a la Brandi Chastain
but it was kinda boring. Lucy's hair was wet during the night part of the date, which is concerning because there was no water element involved at any time. Only logical explanation is that she probably sprayed her water bottle all over herself in an attempt to look sexy. Which just cracks me up and gives Lucy 10000 more points in my book. Lots of the girls you could tell were pissed bc they were unathletic and they didn't want to look stupid in front of Juan Pablo. Especially Sharleen. Which leads me to....
5. Juan Pablo makes out with Sharleen in the middle of the soccer field
EW. EW. EW. EW. EW. IT WAS SO GROSS. I WAS NEAR TEARS. OMG. He basically sucked all over her face and I never want to see anything like that ever again for as long as I live.
6. Juan Pablo came over to cook the girls breakfast
Aka he wanted to see who would freak the F out if he saw them without makeup. "Does this mean I have to put clothes on?" -Lucy. I would not have enjoyed this breakfast. I don't like eggs. So then I would have just not eaten it and he would think I'm an ungrateful bitch. Also Chelsea commented that they live with a hairstylist so "why wouldn't you go ask the hairstylist to help you with your hair if you look awful?" And Annie replied "Ya but if I was the hairstylist I wouldn't help them because I wouldn't want them to look prettier than me." So moral of the story is that if Annie gets on the Bachelor ever she's there to win, and is going to be rather cutthroat about it.
7. They decided they would have a pool party instead of a cocktail party
Everyone put on their swimsuits, everyone tried to walk past Juan Pablo in her swimsuit. People got drunk, and drama started happening. everyone was crying bc he was not giving them the most attention. It was like a meltdown of epic proportions. Meanwhile, Lucy was just floating around in the pool alone. Giving not one single F**k.
8. Lucy gets sent home
"Love lucy. So funny. Bummed she's gone." -Bones, on Lucy's departure
"everyone liked her because they knew she wasnt a threat...high 24/7" -Bones, on Lucy's departure
"Lol you can tell she didn't shower for the rose ceremony. Because obviously dgaf." -Bones, on lucy
"Lol i'd be friends with her." -Bones, on Lucy
"Because during the group date with the dogs everyone was crying about their outfits and she was walking a dog naked. Dgafing so hard."
Her exit interview was so cute though. She was like "I hope everyone gets what they're looking for bcauase everyone deserves to be happy." Preach Lucy. You were a psycho nutcase, but I shall miss you.
All in all, hilarious episode. Love coming together with friends to spend time watching this and laughing about it.
Also if he doesn't end up with Renee this show is screwed. She's normal AF, and stunning, and his age. Team Renee all the way. Also team Kansas City girl just bc I want to watch him go to KC on the hometown date.
Have a juanderful evening,
free spirit,
Juan Pablo,
kansas basketball,
my own little personal homecoming
The weekend was fabulous. Lots of great things happening. I got to go back to Lawrence for the basketball game and all the festivities that accompanied. It was like a mini homecoming, what with everyone still in school returning for the semester, and since it's a long weekend lots of my out of town graduated friends made an appearance. I was in my ELEMENT. I love Lawrence, and since graduation it has not felt as much as "home" as it used to. This weekend it felt just like home and I loved it.
I love a good reunion. Especially the ones that happen when you share a big experience with people and you come together with them long after it has ended and reminisce on your good times. I love it when the other members of the experience are just as excited about it as me, because I sometimes think in my own brain that I cling too tightly to those memories and other people don't treasure stuff as much as I do because I have an overly romanticized brain and live in a fantasy world. Well this weekend I was pleasantly surprised by these fools:
Who you may remember from this:
The three of them put up with my psychoness for a solid year, but Rock Chalk Revue 2012 was like one of my top experiences of college. So I was ecstatic to run into all three of them in Lawrence. Once they realized we were all standing right there one of them was like OMG WE HAVE TO GET A PICTURE. I was beside myself. I love it when people get as excited about stuff as I do. It rarely happens because I'm always excited about everything. But it was a great photo, and I had a great conversation with them reminiscing on how psycho I was and how much fun we had. Just like we were back in the midst of things, back to a time that i LOVED. I also got to see lots of other friends whom I haven't seen in a while, and they're all doing fabulously. That's all I can ask for.
All in all, great weekend, great friends, great reunions. Lots of cause to celebrate and appreciate all of the good people in my life.
I'm pleased.
kansas basketball,
mall story,
rock chalk revue,
the hawk
365 Lovely Thoughts: #18
"The more I want to get something done the less I call it work."
-Richard Bach
365 Lovely Thoughts: #16
"The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody else up."
-Mark Twain
Hand In Hand
I just opened up my computer to write my "about me" section of this blog, and I thought to myself "ok klew, I want to listen to music while I write this." (ya. I think to myself in a combination of the third and first person. It's my brain. I can do whatever I want.)
So I opened up iTunes and I put on this song. Mostly because it's the first one on my playlist:
But it got me thinking.
It's called Hand in Hand and it's written by a duo called Kerrigan-Lowdermilk. I found them because as I've mentioned before I've recently become mildly obsessed with various Broadway stars, and when I searched a few of them on iTunes the Kerrigan Lowdermilk album came up. They are a songwriting team. He writes the music, she writes the lyrics. I had never heard of them before, but I did recognize quite a few notable Broadway stars singing their songs on this CD. So naturally I went to research them and they are relatively famous in the singer/songwriter world. They have written a few musicals, but nothing you would have ever heard of. They are pretty successful, and they have an EXTENSIVE catalog of work.
So I downloaded a few of these songs and they are delightful. They all have great piano and wonderful voices singing them, and all of the content of the songs is extremely relatable. This "Hand in Hand" seems to simply be about being in love, and hoping the other person is too. I also downloaded one called "The Girl Who Drove Away" (Laura Osnes sings it, so...duh.) which seems to me to talk about making big decisions. "My Heart Is Split" is about leaving a place you once loved, and there are A TON more songs. Like multiple CDs worth, and everything I've listened to so far is great.
Which is my point. Kerrigan and Lowdermilk are not PARTICULARLY famous. I think they are really well known in the Musical Theater world, I'm not entirely sure. Like if I were to mention the names to you on the street you probably would have no idea who the F I was talking about. And a lot of the songs they have written seem to simply be IN their collection. They have no specific purpose, they were not featured on a CD in order to make millions. They were just written. Written by two people because they enjoy writing music and they are good at it.
I hope one day I can be like Kerrigan and Lowdermilk. I hope I can hone in on what I love to do and what I'm good at it, and make a living at it and do it for my entire life. I don't need it to be nationally recognized, and I don't need to make infinity million dollars (although I'm going to be famous just bc i'm that entertaining...duh...but this notion is kind of contradicting my point right now, so we can visit that later.)
I just hope whatever I end up doing can touch/inspire someone like these two just did for me. Idk. I think that discovering one's passion and working out a way to make it a career is the most respectable thing one can do, and I hope that someday I can honestly say that I was able to do just that.
Okay, now maybe I'll go write the About Me section. Just a little thought for now.
Bachelor week 2.
Last night was Monday night which means the Bachelor was on again! This week Juan Pablo went on two one-on-one dates as well as a group date.
I really did not like either of the date choices this week. The first girl had a "winter wonderland" date in LA. Like they made their own snow and ice rink and they did winter things in the 70 degree weather. I WOULD HAVE HATED THAT. WHY WOULD YOU PUT SNOW IN A PLACE ON PURPOSE. Oh my god. I just really hate the snow. The second date was the Electric Run. Aka they ran a 5k for their date. In the words of the ever wise Kathryn Hoven, "I would vomit on that date, both from rage and exercise." Couldn't have said it better myself.
The group date was pretty cool but also a little bit psycho. Okay a LOT psycho. They had to model for a photo shoot with some dogs from a shelter in efforts to get the dogs adopted. I think it's a really cool cause and I'm sure the girl who's occupation is "dog lover" was ALLLL over that. However, they made some of the girls dress up in ridiculous costumes and they even made two of the girls pose naked.
One of the girls who originally was meant to be naked refused because she is a first grade teacher and wanted to be seen as a role model at all times because she knew her kids were going to be watching this. YOU GO GIRLFRIEND. I'm so glad she stood up for herself. There is no way in HELL I would ever do that, and I was actually kind of shocked that the producers/Juan Pablo even asked the girls to do that. Um, HELLO. That is totally contradictory to everything you're trying to make this show about. I feel like the producers of the Bachelor are constantly trying to convince people that these are "real people" with "real feelings" and are there to "find love" and start a life. So with that mindset, you should be casting women who are set in their career lives and are now looking for love. What woman who has a solid career is going to voluntarily pose nude on TV for a reality show on which she's supposed to be falling in love? Is Juan Pablo REALLY going to love you any more or less depending on whether or not you take all of your clothes off on TV? I just think it kind of wrecks the show's credibility (okay, I get it that it really has no credibility, but you know what I mean). If this was a real as they say it is, they would do a lot more dates at just straight up restaurants or doing an activity together that would help them bond. I just don't see how this helped them bond. I lost a little bit of respect for the Lawyer chick who did it anyways, but once she explained her reasoning I gained it back. I still like her. Also the girl who is "free spirit" just walks around completely naked all the time. OKAY JAUN PABLO. Do you really think the girl who enjoys flashing the camera for a laugh is suitable to be the future stepmother of your daughter? She cracks me up, but her days are numbered.
Also, one of the girls got TOTALLY OBLITERATED during the drinks and socializing after the group date. Like, "Hawk-Dollar-night-freshman-year-puke-in-your-own-hand-and-not-even-realize-it" wasted. It was HILARIOUS. Also if I was that girl I would never show my face in public ever again. Juan Pablo waited for her to sober up and then got rid of her because obviously he can't have some chick that can't even handle herself be around his four year old. She was nuts. Hilariously embarrassing trashy tv moment.
All-in-all, pretty hilarious episode. Favorite is still the mom Renee. If he doesn't pick her then I think that's dumb. That's all I have to say.
(And yes, I watched this instead of the first half of the KU game because I couldn't handle the HORRENDOUS COLOR COMBINATION that was happening at Iowa State. Omg. Talk about that at another date.)
Urs Truly,
drunk girl,
electric run,
iowa state,
Juan Pablo,
kansas basketball,
365 Lovely Thoughts: January 13
"I'm going to make everything around me beautiful - that will be my life."
-Elsie de Wolfe
klew on the golden globes 2014
Ok so, the Golden Globes were last night and here's what I thought about it.
1. AMY POEHLER IS LITERALLY EVERYTHING I ASPIRE TO BE EVER OF ALL TIME EVER. Oh my god she's perfect. I think she's hilarious all the time, and so obviously I loved the fact that her and Tina Fey hosted again this year. I laughed my ass off at everything they did. I was also so glad she won for her role as Leslie Knope on Parks and Rec, one of my favorite shows ever. You rock Amy, I wish someday I'm exactly like you.
2. Who the hell planned the seating arrangement in that ballroom? Did anyone else feel like it took everyone like 3 minutes too long to walk up to the stage to accept their awards? Shoutout to Robin Wright who showed a little hustle as she ran to the stage. Jesus. Also they had like some of the biggest stars of all time chillin in the back, meanwhile Taylor Swift was front and center at a table with Meryl Streep. That, my friends, is beyond me. I feel like Rock Chalk Revue 2013 went off with less of a hitch than this year's Golden Globes, and that was put on by a bunch of drunk college kids.
3. WHAT THE F HAPPENED WITH THAT BRITISH LADY? (Jacqueline Bisset is apparently her name) It took her an eternity to stand up, walk to the stage, and start talking. Did anyone else think that that was SO INCREDIBLY AWKWARD? I was dumbfounded after that happened. Was she drunk? I didn't know what to make of that. Here's a video clip of it.
4. I am in love with Emma Thompson. She came out with her shoes in one hand and a martini in the other. She's hilarious. She should host next year (unless of course, Amy and Tina are down to host for a third time.)
5. I LOVED EVERYTHING ABOUT JULIA LOUIS-DREYFUS AND THE E-CIG. Hahahahahahhahah I laughed right out loud at this. She is so hilarious.
6. I think Sarah Hyland and I would be great friends. This is kind of Golden Globes irrelevant but idc. I follow her on Twitter/Instagram and she tweets a lot about Cinderella on Broadway, Beyonce, and fast food. Last night she posted a picture of Sofia Vergara drinking tequila. She's just tryin to have a good time, and I respect that. Sarah, if you're reading this, YES I'LL BE FRIENDS WITH YOU OKAY?
7. Speaking of Sofia Vergara, I thought she looked FAB last night. I usually don't love her red carpet looks as much as everyone else does, but I thought she looked fantastic. I loved the necklace, and the fact that it was different than her usual mermaid dress.
8. Thought Julie Bowen looked fab too. I was all about Modern Family cast last night apparently.
9. Speaking of Julie Bowen, she was on stage when this happened.
I thought this was awesome. Seth Meyers was SO STOKED for Andy Samberg to win the award for best actor in a comedy. I was pretty stoked too, since I think Brooklyn Nine Nine is pretty hilarious. I'm not sure it should have won best comedy, but whatever. I loved this moment.
10. Some of my other fashion faves were Emma Watson, Kate Beckensale, Sandra Bullock, Olivia Wilde and as much as I hate to say it, Taylor Swift. I thought Lena Dunham's dress was horrible, as was Hayden Panettiere's. I was kinda bummed about Hayden too, because I usually think she looks stunning. Also Jennifer Lawrence and Kerry Washington. I was underwhelmed by their dresses.
11. Everything Jennifer Lawrence does is perfect though so who cares about her dress.
13. When I get famous and win a Golden Globe, I'm probably going to give a four second speech and drop the mic and walk off. That's just how I'm picturing it in my head.
14. I love Jimmy Fallon and always will for as long as I live.
That's all I have to say I think. Overall, I loved it. Extremely entertaining evening of television. Now tonight there's another episode of the Bachelor. Woo Woo Woo. Unrelated note, I probably should get a job because I find myself getting far too excited about television at this point.
Katie is 22!
Happy birthday to one of the only people who has the rare ability to get me to publicly display affection as depicted in this photograph. She lets me snuggle with her when I come to Lawrence and always gives me good outfit advice. Don't know what I'd do without this fool. Love you so much Katie, here's to 22!
i carry your heart with me
i carry your heart with me(i carry it in
my heart)i am never without it(anywhere
i go you go,my dear;and whatever is done
by only me is your doing,my darling)
i fear
no fate(for you are my fate,my sweet)i want
no world(for beautiful you are my world,my true)
and it’s you are whatever a moon has always meant
and whatever a sun will always sing is you
here is the deepest secret nobody knows
(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life;which grows
higher than soul can hope or mind can hide)
and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart
i carry your heart(i carry it in my heart)
-ee cummings
It's JUANuary ya'll!
Okay, it's that time again.

Yes, I watch the Bachelor. I'm a 23 year old girl who spent the last four years of her life living in a sorority house, what do you expect? Although while some of my sistafriends watch with stars in their eyes and believe they are watching true love blossom right before their very eyes, I'm not that girl. I tend to be the one sharing the love seat in the corner with Anna, consuming one too many drinks, and cracking jokes and judging the crap out of everything that's happening on TV.
This season we get to watch Juan Pablo on his search for the JUAN (seriously that play on words is never going to get old with me), and yesterday was the series premiere. I watched Juan Pablo on Desiree's season...and by "watched Juan Pablo" I mean my eyes were on the TV during what was probably four seconds total of his airtime. He was NEVER on TV with Des, and from what I could tell he barely had a relationship with her. It seemed a little bit to me like the producers almost planted him in the cast just to pull out the next bachelor. Whatever, after seeing his interviews with Chris Harrison and the promos and stuff he seems to be a pretty deece guy. He's from Venezuela? (idk. south american country.) So he's got the accent which his swoon-worthy. I also think it will be pretty interesting to watch him interact with a bunch of American women because English isn't his first language. So he doesn't know how to talk in circles and say things without really SAYING things like an American can do. So I feel like all of his interactions are going to be truly genuine because he communicates so directly. He won't be able to "accidentally fool" a girl into thinking he feels one way when he really doesn't. Does that make sense? Plus he has a little daughter who is ADORABLE, so fine. I like Juan Pablo.
The GIRLS this season? Oh my lanta. The first thing I said when I finished watching yesterday was "what a brilliant bunch of BS." The Bachelor producers never seem to fail to find some of the most bizarre, colorful, WEIRD AS SHIT women. I loved every second of watching these psychos get out of the limo and try to catch Juan Pablo's attention, all the while just becoming increasingly more and more intoxicated and more likely to start crying. It was deliciously entertaining.
For list number 2 of my 52 Lists of 2014 I have composed a list of all of the girls and my reaction to them as they stepped out of the limo. I actually make this list every year in my phone so I can remember stupid stuff about them as the season goes on, but this year I guess I'll put it on here. So here's the link to Juan Pablo's 27 possible wives, as they first stepped out of the limo.
I'll probably give an update with my thoughts every week about the Bachelor. I'll bet you anything next week is the date where they go bungee jumping or do some daring thing and the girl makes a comment about how "it's just like a metaphor for our relationship! A leap of faith!" Mark my words. So predicatble, but it's just SO ENTERTAINING.
Amy J
Amy L
Lauren H
Lauren S.
Amy L
Lauren S.
you guys are the only JUANS for me,
List 2: Juan Pablo's 27 Possible Wives, As They First Stepped Out of the Limo.
Alright here we go. My thoughts on the new 27 Bachelor contestants. (you can read my thoughts on week 1 of Juan Pablo's season here)
Before I start this, let me just say that I'm sure all of these women are smart, strong, kind women with great personalities. I'm sure they're all great people. This has nothing to do with who they are as PEOPLE, just my own thoughts while watching this in a very shallow, judgmental mindset because they are on this absurd television show, and they do CRAZY STUFF to get either airtime or Juan Pablo's attention.
So if you're reading this and thinking "Oh my goodness klew is so shallow and ignorant and THESE GIRLS ARE PEOPLE!" You need to chill the F out and realize that these women subjected themselves to the public eye, and that I UNDERSTAND that the producers of this show probably piece things together to create characters out of them. I love people and I love watching them interact with others, I just get a lot of entertainment out of watching all of this go down.
And if you're one of these girls on this list and you're reading this (doubtful, this blog is so insignificant lol) then PROPS girlfriend for going on the Bachelor. You've got a lot of guts, and I actually want to hear all about it.
Ok. Here goes nothin. These were my first reactions of these girls as they stepped out of the limo to meet Juan Pablo.
1. Amy L., 27, News Reporter from FL:
PERFECT MEETING. She wasn't awkward at all, she didn't do anything weird. I loved it.
2. Cassandra, 21, Former NBA Dancer from Rochester Hills, MI:
SHE'S ONLY 21!?!?!? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?!?!? 1, why aren't in college or something...2, HE HAS A CHILD! YOU CANNOT TELL ME YOU'RE READY TO BE A MOM. No. Dress is stunning, also holy crap she was so awkward hahahahah omg.
3. Christy, 24, Marketing Manager from Chicago:
Hate her dress. It looks like a bad wedding dress. Also 24!? Why. I don't like her.
4. Christine, 23, Police Support Specialist from Miami:
WHY IS EVERYONE SO YOUNG!? I'm 23! THERE ARE SO MANY OPPORTUNITIES TO MEET PEOPLE WHEN YOU'RE 23. THIS GUY IS 32 WITH A CHILD. WHY ARE YOU TRYING TO MARRY HIM. GO LIVE YOUR 23 YEAR OLD LIFE. She's stunning though. Love her dress and her earrings, and the little bracelet she gave him was cute.
5. Nikki, 26, Pediatric Nurse from Kansas City:
Ok, automatic favorite because she's from Kansas City. I liked her heartbeat thing. Cheesy, but not awkward. It was cute. She seems really warm and nice. Maybe I'm biased though. GO KC!
6. Kat, 29, Medical Sales Rep. from Scottsdale, AZ:
She looks like a girl I went to school with. Also thank the lord. 29. The dance thing was stupid though.
7. Chantel, 27, Account Manager from Miami:
I didn't love her dress, but she speaks Spanish. She also pronounced his name right. She seems sassy and cool so...ok fine.
8. Victoria, 24, Legal Assistant from Boca Raton, FL:
WHYYYY ARE YOU 24. I DON'T UNDERSTAND. Loved her dress, and the Portuguese thing. She was sweet.
9. Lucy, 24, Free Spirit from Santa Barbara, CA:
.....................i just can't. I don't even know where to begin with this. WHAT IS YOUR JOB. Also you're barefoot. We get it, you're a hippy. Trying way way way too hard. You realize this guy has a daughter. He's not trying to be all experimental and shit. I just don't even know where to go with this. Also, you're 24. She's definitely around just for the entertainment factor. Producer pick. Jesus.
10. Danielle, 25, Psychiatric Nurse from St. Louis:
I didn't love the ombre dress. She was so normal, and that's a good thing.
11. Lauren S. 26, Music Composer from Austin, TX:
SHE RODE IN ON A PIANO BIKE. OMG I LOVE THIS GIRL. THAT WAS SO CUTE. THe song was beautiful and she was kind of nervous and awkward which was so endearing. Also she forgot to tell him her name. Omg she was so cute. She's one of my faves.
12. Chelsie, 24, Science Educator from Columbus, OH:
DO LESS. She did the weird science experiment thing. First of all he has no idea what she's trying to do becuase she's talking so fast and OMG that was the worst pickup line ever. I hated all of that. Do less.
13. Valerie, 26, Personal Trainer from Sutter, CA:
Eh. She was boring. Who cares that you're wearing boots. But her dress was really cool.
14. Elise, 27, Teacher from Forty FOrt, PA:
Amazing dress. She was so normal and pretty.
15. Ashley, 25, Grade School Teacher from Dallas:
I LOVE HER. I think she's so pretty and so calm and confident. Her dress is cool.
16. Clare, 32, Hairstylist from Sacramento:
She's the girl who had her dad make that DVD for her future husband. She'll get far only because they want to see what's on that DVD. Also the pregnant thing was stupid if you ask me. OBVIOUSLY THEY WOULDN'T LET A PREGNANT CHIC ON THIS SHOW. Whatever. I'm over her. Props on being over the age of 25 tho.
17. Ali, 26, Nanny from Chicago:
She came out with the soccer ball. REALLLL ORIGINAL.
18. Amy J., 31, Massage Therapist from LA:
I'm scared of her. She came on wayyyyy strong. Too much.
19. Renee, 32, Real Estate Agent from Sarasota, FL:
I THINK HE NEEDS TO PICK HER. She's so pretty and she's a single mom and shes HIS AGE FOR GODS SAKE and she seems effortless and perfect. I hope he picks her. She's my favorite. Her and KC girl.
20. Lauren H., 25, Mineral Coordinator from Oklahoma City:
Too many accessories. She was fine. Forgettable
21. Maggie, 24, Personal Banker from South Carolina:
She's cute. 24 THOUGH UGH WHY IS EVERYONE SO YOUNG. Cute though
22. Kelly, 27 Dog Lover from Conyers, GA:
YOUR JOB IS DOG LOVER!? .......k. The dog was a little much. Like why did you need that.
23. Lacy, 25, Nursing Home Oner from La Jolla, CA:
Props to you girl that you're 25 and you own your own business. I hated her dress though, and the "perscription" thing was so cheesy. Dumb cheesy.
24. Alexis, 24, Communications Director from Tampa, FL:
SHE IS SO SO SO PRETTY. Oh my gosh. Normal and sweet. YOUNG THOUGH.
25. Kylie, 23, Interior Designer from Rockford, IL:
26. Sharleen, 29, Opera Singer from Germany:
Her dress was really unique and she was so calm, cool, and collected. And when she told him he was a singer she was really modest about it. I like her. She seems like a bro. She's up there in my book.
27. Andi, 26, Assistant District Attorney from Atlanta:
BEAUUUUTIFUL. She looks just like Maddie Terry. She seems so cool and edgy, and funny. I like her a lot too.
"Bizarre & Improbable & Pretty As a Page from a Fairytale Book....."
Fair warning, this post is so nerdy.
In case I haven't mentioned it about 500 times already, I'm unemployed. Yeah, I'm "actively looking for a job" blah blah blah, but unemployment leads to quite a bit of boredom. One of my favorite things to do in the midst of all this boredom is to learn as much as I can about various Broadway productions. I just think it is all SO INTERESTING, and there is so much you can learn and so many different types of things you can enjoy. I have a bunch of favorites (hey, maybe that can be an upcoming list), but there is one that tops all the rest...
You guys, I'm obsessed. I just love watching the clips of it and looking at pictures of it, and listening to its music. Cinderella has just been so near and dear to my heart for my entire life. I grew up watching all different versions of it and singing the songs and being in awe at her, and for the longest time I've always said "God I wish they would make a Broadway production of the Rodgers & Hammerstein version of the story." It had always blown my mind that they hadn't. Well in December of 2012 Katie Wells stumbled across the news that it was a real thing. I remember legitimately falling out of my chair I was so excited. I started relentlessly begging my mom to take me to New York to see it.
Then came the Tony Awards.
I recorded them because I wasn't going to be home to watch it live, and I knew Cinderella was going to be one of the performances. It was a medley of a bunch of the songs including the one where the Fairy Godmother turns her into a princess and the one where she dances with the prince. She transformed ON STAGE RIGHT BEFORE YOUR EYES from her rag dress to a gown.
You guys, I watched the entire thing with my mouth hanging open in awe and tears in my eyes. It was the most magical, beautiful, wonderful thing I had ever seen and it made my heart so happy. I then rewound it and watched probably 900 more times. Coincidentally for me, this was right around the time of my college graduation, for which I would be given a gift from my parents....you guessed it....they bought me a trip to New York and tickets to see Cinderella on Broadway.
It was fantastic. I will love it forever and ever and ever. It will always be one of my favorite stories ever, and this version is a little bit different than the one everyone knows. They have updated it a little bit and made it for a modern audience. The songs are all the same, and there are a few new ones. The costume changes are phenomenal and oh my lanta, I just loved the entire thing. The fact that it's about being nice to people no matter what and that you can make things happen for yourself and just ah. I could talk forever.
I especially love Laura Osnes, who plays the title role. I had no idea who she was until I saw her in June as Cinderella, and she is PERFECT at it. She has the most beautiful voice and she is just PERFECT at it. So naturally, when I got home and in all of my extra time I have had on my hands, I have thoroughly stalked her on the internet. Like I could probably make a creepy fan page about it because I'm so fascinated with her. She is INCREDIBLY talented and she's just so pretty and oh my lanta. I just love her. Katie Martin and I are both obsessed with her and we just share videos of her back and forth on Facebook. Go look her up if you have a chance. She'll make you wish you could sing. She was in a production of Bonnie & Clyde and she sings this song and OMG she's just incredible.
Laura has a video blog that she did that's on Youtube called "The Princess Diary" and it goes behind the scenes of the show and you can see all the fun things they do with Cinderella. It is so interesting and actually pretty funny. Probably go watch it. So ya. I'm weirdly obsessed with the Broadway Production of Cinderella. I would see it a million more times if I could, and I can't get enough of Laura Osnes or the music or the videos or anything.
And now I've provided you with enough information to go stalk her yourself and try and become half as obsessed with her/it as we are. Ah. I could go for days. I just love it so much.
"In the arms of my love, I'm flying. over mountain and meadow and glen. and I like it so well that for all I can tell I may never come down to earth again."