"Stay hungry. Stay foolish."
Klew's 2014
In the words of Taylor Renft: " only you could write something like this and manage to get away with it and get like 100 likes"
1. Started my first ever job in January. G chat is a beautiful thing y'all (add me if you have it too duh.)
2. Had a fun nationals season coaching Force, KC Cheer's senior level 2 team. We competed in Kansas City, Oklahoma City and Nashville. We got to teach the girls a lot about how to go confidently through the practice room, and how to fix mistakes on the floor. It was an awesome first year coaching experience.
3. Took advantage of the fact that I had 5th year friends in Lawrence. 23 year olds in the Boom Boom Room happened. No shame.
4. Spent an awesome weekend watching awesome cheerleading in Dallas at NCA All-Star nationals with Mom and Clarkson. Excited to carry on that tradition.
5. My first Rock Chalk Revue as an alum. Don't worry everyone, +Taylor Renft was still on Ad Board so I still pretty much got to do whatever I wanted ( also, there was plenty of Gin & Syrup with Nate, Sam and the whole Ad board crew. Don't you worry.)
6. WENT TO THE CHEERLEADING WORLDS AND WATCHED FIERCE 5 WIN 4th PLACE. Also got to sit on a baseball field and watch my sport happen in one of the coolest atmospheres of all time. The highlight of 2014. Such extreme happiness and pride as an alumnus of the program and of this amazing team. Also watching all of Harrison Whitney's dreams come true his senior year was COOL AF.
7. Celebrated graduation with some of my absolute favorites, sans panic attack. Lawrence is beautiful y'all. So proud of Emily, Meredith, +Elizabeth Raplinger, +Taylor Renft , +Katie Wells , +Elizabeth Albani , +Annabelle Thomas and company.
8. Quit my very first job.
9. Started a new cheerleading season as the Coach of Fame. KC Cheer's Junior level 3 team. I ADORE these girls. They are so hardworking and a joy to see twice a week. It's cool to teach them about teamwork and working hard and getting through stupid teenage girl crap. I love them all and want to hug them always. Did I mention they're machines? Can't wait to kick ass all over America during 2015!
10. Celebrated the engagement of two of my very dearest friends! Annie Lemark and Chelsea Coday I can't wait for your big day! (Which is the same day. But wait, they're not marrying each other..for the record. They're getting married separately. On the same day. Could see how that would be confusing to others. THE MAIN TAKEAWAY IS TWO OF MY FAVORITES ARE GOING OT BE BEAUTIFUL BRIDES!)
11. Cried crocodile tears as I said goodbye to some of my nearest and dearest as they moved out of Kansas to start their real lives. Good news is, I now always have a bed in Dallas and LA. : )
12. Had a BLAST BLAST BLAST watching Bobby O'Connell get married. Another highlight of 2014.
13. Started my job at Meers! Yay!
14. Took the coolest trip of all time to NYC with +Jesse Hoffman and +Lauren Vanlandingham. We saw The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon and sat FRONT ROW and HIGH FIVED JIMMY AND WERE ON TV. That same day we saw Cinderella the Musical. It was a day made for Klew. We also saw A Gentleman's Guide to Love and Murder and Aladdin, went to some famous bars, hung out with +Kerry Benn and Kyle Grace and Shannon Morgan at their new place in TriBeCa. One of my favorite weekends of 2014.
15. Went to Chicago with +Kathryn Hoven, Sarah Vanlandingham and +Lauren Vanlandingham to see Nate Watson and One Direction. It was awesome. No shame. #23at1D
16. Had an AWESOME TIME at KU Homecoming. The first one where pretty much all of my grade was graduated and back. It was a great weekend. I can't wait for next year.
17. Had the flu for a month. Not kidding. A month. Zillion degree fever, in the hospital, can't move, mom brushing my hair for me-type sick. This was the low.
18. Enjoyed "watching" the Royals World Series run. By "watching" I mean sleeping through all of the games because of the aforementioned flu. But seriously. It was a cool time to be in Kansas City.
19. Said goodbye to stupid 23 and had a fantastic 24th birthday filled with Cake, my fam, bagels, grilled cheese, pizza, and Broadway. Am I really that easily pleased? Who cares. I ate everything in sight on my birthday in New York City and couldn't be happier about it.
20. Started to enjoy watching Fame kick ass in the first half of the competition season. They win everything by a LANDSLIDE. Can't wait to watch it continue with Victoria Zonko as we get into the big nationals! Also we had the CUTEST CHRISTMAS PARTY EVER, thanks to the awesome Fame parents! We feel so loved!
22. Celebrated Christmas with the fam in Hawaii, where I'm sitting typing this. We've been drinkin chi-chis, hanging out by the pool, riding helicopters, and just all out having the T of our L. We are one lucky group of idiots. Excited to ring in 2015 being this Tan.
2014 seems to have been a year of supporting my friends and watching them do awesome stuff. I'm super lucky to have lots of amazing people in my life who do amazing things. I also took some awesome trips and had some BIG laughs. Lots of tears of sadness...but even more tears of JOY. Overall, no complaints 2014. No complaints.
365 Lovely Thoughts: #354
"It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are."
-e.e. cummings
365 Lovely Thoughts: #350
"To handle yourself, use your head; to handle others, use your heart."
-Eleanor Roosevelt
Fame Update: America's Best
Woo woo woo! Our first two-day competition is in the books! This weekend we were in Kansas City for America's Best Nationals. Fame had a pretty deep division, up agains 6 other Junior level 3. Teams. I'm writing this retroactively so I don't really remember all of the good juicy details, but I can tell you they won first place again!
After the first day they had .25 in deductions, but the high score of ALL of the level 3 teams. They were even beating Flawless, our SENIOR level 3 team (they had a legality issue, but still). Zonko and I were very proud of them.
Day 2 they had some issues. There was a pyramid stunt that went wrong and they had to fight to keep it in the air. Zonko and I thought it was going to be a TON of deductions, but we were actually able to argue a lot of them down! Instead of 1.25 in deductions they only had .75! We were pretty pleased with that. We didn't think they were going to win with that many issues, but they still came out on top. They didn't end up winning Grand Champions, but we think they were probably 2nd or 3rd in line for the award!
We definitely have some work to do to get ready for the big out of town nationals, but Fame has some great momentum right now. Also our National Champion Jackets are sparkly : )
After the first day they had .25 in deductions, but the high score of ALL of the level 3 teams. They were even beating Flawless, our SENIOR level 3 team (they had a legality issue, but still). Zonko and I were very proud of them.
Day 2 they had some issues. There was a pyramid stunt that went wrong and they had to fight to keep it in the air. Zonko and I thought it was going to be a TON of deductions, but we were actually able to argue a lot of them down! Instead of 1.25 in deductions they only had .75! We were pretty pleased with that. We didn't think they were going to win with that many issues, but they still came out on top. They didn't end up winning Grand Champions, but we think they were probably 2nd or 3rd in line for the award!
We definitely have some work to do to get ready for the big out of town nationals, but Fame has some great momentum right now. Also our National Champion Jackets are sparkly : )
365 Lovely Thoughts: #343
"Life is a shipwreck but we must not forget to sing in the lifeboats."
365 Lovely Thoughts: #342
"Happiness is not a state to arrive at, but a manner of traveling."
-Margaret Lee Runbeck
365 Lovely Thoughts: #338
"It's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring."
-Marilyn Monroe
They're Making Cinderella into a Live Action Movie and i am beside myself.
You guys.
Cinderella is going to be a live action movie in 2015. This is probably the most exciting news I have heard all year. I can hardly concentrate on anything because they just released the trailer and it is PERFECT. If you haven't already watched it, here it is.
"Have courage, and be kind." I LOVE that that is a focus of this movie. If you ask me, that's the biggest takeaway from the story of Cinderella: Good things come to those who are kind and deserving. So often the story of Cinderella becomes all about the dress and the dancing. I am glad the kindness bit is included in this trailer.
I can't wait to watch Helena Bonham Carter as the Fairy Godmother. I'm so used to watching her be evil!
I wish they would include some of the Rodgers & Hammerstein music. That would make this the total package of everything.
Now that this is out there is all this stuff on the internet talking about it. READILY AVAILABLE STUFF TO READ ABOUT CINDERELLA WHAT A DAY. She's in Vogue! I don't know how I'm going to get any work done.
"Where there is kindness there is goodness. Where there is goodness there is Magic." I CAN'T WAIT.
Cinderella is going to be a live action movie in 2015. This is probably the most exciting news I have heard all year. I can hardly concentrate on anything because they just released the trailer and it is PERFECT. If you haven't already watched it, here it is.
"Have courage, and be kind." I LOVE that that is a focus of this movie. If you ask me, that's the biggest takeaway from the story of Cinderella: Good things come to those who are kind and deserving. So often the story of Cinderella becomes all about the dress and the dancing. I am glad the kindness bit is included in this trailer.
I can't wait to watch Helena Bonham Carter as the Fairy Godmother. I'm so used to watching her be evil!
I wish they would include some of the Rodgers & Hammerstein music. That would make this the total package of everything.
Now that this is out there is all this stuff on the internet talking about it. READILY AVAILABLE STUFF TO READ ABOUT CINDERELLA WHAT A DAY. She's in Vogue! I don't know how I'm going to get any work done.
"Where there is kindness there is goodness. Where there is goodness there is Magic." I CAN'T WAIT.
helena bonham carter,
lily james,
365 Lovely Thoughts: #333
"We should all do what, in the long run, gives us joy, even if it is only picking grapes or sorting the laundry."
-E.b. White
365 Lovely Thoughts: #332
"Wherever you go, mo matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine."
-Anthony J. D'Angelo
365 Lovely Thoughts: #330
"We can often do more for other men by trying to correct our own faults than by trying to correct theirs."
-Francois Fenelon
365 Lovely Thoughts: #328
"We either make ourselves miserable, or we make ourselves happy. The amount of work is the same.."
-Carlos Castaneda
Fame Update: Patriotic Championships
This time we found ourselves at the Patriotic championships in Kansas City. Not to be confused with the circus, because that was being held in the building next door. It was like, the tiniest competition I've been to in a while. There was only one panel of judges so they had a team go every 6 minutes. What could've easily been a 7 hour day became a 13 hour day. It was annoying.
There was, however, a summit bid up for grabs. For those keeping score at home, the Summit is the all levels championship at the end of the season in Orlando. It's basically level 3 Worlds. You have to be invited and usually at KC Cheer you have to have a paid bid to go to the summit, but this year they're going to let us go regardless of what sort of bid we get.
Fame was going to have to be the highest scoring team of the entire day to win the summit bid. It was a goal that was kind of ambitious, but not totally out of reach. The Fame Monsters stayed focused and energetic and put an awesome routine on the floor. You could tell they really wanted it!
We ended up with 1st place and level 3 grand champions. That means that not only did we beat all of the junior level 3 teams, we beat every single level 3 team from the whole day. That ROCKS.
The summit bid ended up going to a junior level 1 team. Which, duh. Of course you're going to have high execution scores when all you have to execute is a cartwheel!!!!
Fame Update: Twister Jam
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Some badass Fame Monsters after their big win! |
Since it was our first real competition, it was also our first time in the practice room as a team. We've told them that the practice room is where competitions are won. It's all about encouraging each other, lifting your teammates up to their highest points and intimidating the crap out of everybody else. They did a pretty good job of staying focused and had a solid practice.
Our performance was less than awesome. They hit mostly everything with a few tumbling touchdowns, but then they got to the pyramid. One of my flyers started to fall so she tried to grab on to one of the other flyers for support, thus dragging the entire thing to the floor. I'm not kidding we dropped 6 of 7 stunts to the ground. For those who don't know all-star cheerleading, at a big competition, that would be the difference between 1st and about 20th. We were horrified.
We got off the floor and the girls were all crying. We were harsh on them. We told them to wipe the tears off of their faces because they did that to themselves. It was a silly mistake that could've been prevented had they had their heads screwed on right and had they been focusing. There was nobody to blame but themselves! We told them they wouldn't be winning first place, and they were to show sportsmanship and clap for whoever won their division, because they beat them fair and square.
Then came time for awards. We had 4 teams in our division. Zonko and I were ready for a 4th or 3rd place win. The announcer kept announcing other teams that were not us until we realized they had won 1st place. Their technique and execution scores in all categories other than the pyramid were so high that even though they dropped the entire pyramid they were still able to win first place. They were SO EXCITED, and Zonko and I were a little bit dumbfounded. If their technique is that good now, think of how much better they're going to get as the season continues!
We still had practice on Sunday. A first place win doesn't guarantee you a day off when you drop major stunts! Some of the girls didn't understand why we had to practice. "We got first! Why are we here?" they said. After we explained to them, a lot of them came together and worked really hard all practice to continue to refine their skills and make each other better. I doubt they're ever going to drop an entire pyramid ever again.
I can't wait to keep going with these kids. They all have such bright spirits and are so eager and excited to work hard and put great skills on the floor. Here's hoping we can keep getting better and continue to pull out first place wins! It's really cool to watch them all interact with them, and be able to be the one who teaches them about teamwork and mental strength when preparing for competitions. This year I am constantly finding myself looking back to my days on Junior 3 and how much I learned from my coaches. I still look back on those days with the fondest memories, and hope some days these little chicks will too. I just love them so much, and am so excited to keep going!
fame monsters,
KC Cheer,
twister jam
365 Lovely Thoughts: #311
"Talking about our problems is our greatest addiction. Break the habit. Talk about your joys."
-Rita Schiano
365 Lovely Thoughts: #307
"The most valuable possession you can own is an open heart."
-Carlos Santana
365 Lovely Thoughts: #306
"I have found that if you love life, life will love you back."
-Arthur Rubinstein
365 Lovely Thoughts: #298
"Take into account that great love and great achievements involve great risk."
-Dalai Lama
365 Lovely Thoughts: #293
"Let the refining and improving of your own life keep you so busy that you have little time to criticize others."
-H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
365 Lovely Thoughts: #290
"The universe is full of magical things patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper."
-Eden Phillpotts
365 Lovely Thoughts: #284
"A person without a sense of humor is like a wagon without springs. It's jolted by every pebble on the road."
-Henry Ward Beecher
365 Lovely Thoughts: #280
"What you find in your mind is what you put there, put good things in there."
-Mary Ford
365 Lovely Thoughts: #279
"Life is not a dress rehearsal. Everyday, you should have at least one exquisite moment."
-Sally Karioth
365 Lovely Thoughts: #276
"Treasure this day and treasure yourself. Truly, neither will ever happen again."
-Ray Bradbury
365 Lovely Thoughts: #274
"If we did all the things we were capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves."
-Thomas Edison
365 Lovely Thoughts: #272
"Do not wait for extraordinary circumstances to do good; try to use ordinary situations."
-Jean Paul Richter
The 50 States Ranked Based on How Willingly I'd Move There
Now that we've graduated and have moved out of Lawrence/home/to the places our new jobs are we spend a lot of time discussing the United States and places we'd like to live or could maybe call home someday. Also I've been slacking on my 52 lists, so I've compiled this one:
(No offense to anyone who lives in any of these states. Home is where you make it, and where your loved ones surround you.)
1. Kansas
I already live here, so it's my number one. I went to college here (ok fine, also high school and junior high), I know a lot of people who live here. Lawrence is the happiest place on earth. It's cheap. My family is here. No qualms with growing up with Kansas, so The Sunflower State gets #1.
2. New York
My "home state." I was born in New York. I lived for a while in New York. I am never not plotting my return to New York. Only reason it's not number 1 is because it's SO EXPENSIVE. It's a dream of mine to move to New York City for a while. Greatest city in the world.
3. Texas
I feel like everyone I know who has moved as of late has moved to Texas. It's warm there. There's Whataburger. I could dig it.
4. Georgia
BECAUSE THE SOUTH. Also Georgia just seems so charming. Also if I had children they could be on Stingrays.
5. South Carolina
Charleston. Mmmmmmmm.
6. North Carolina
The Outer Banks is there. Also I'm pretty sure I can get sweet tea at any restaurant I walk into there.
7. California
I think I would enjoy California, but like San Francisco. Not LA. Did you know San Francisco is in line with Kansas City? Like if you just walked in a straight line west from Kansas City you'd hit San Fran. If you went east you'd hit DC. I don't think I'd do well in LA, but I think it'd be fun to try to make it there. Overall I'm skeptical about California, but I think it'd be fun to give it a whirl.
8. Oklahoma
I don't know how this one got up this high, but it's warm a lot, a lot of the people I know from here are nice, and there's Cane's. I don't think this is an aspirational home as much as if someone told me "here's a great job, move to Oklahoma" I'd be cool with it. Also the sweet tea thing.
9. Tennessee
NASHVILLE. Also the sweet tea thing. Also if I moved here it would probably be because I got a job working for a cheerleading company and that would be BOMB.
10. Hawaii
Becuase duh who hasn’t daydreamed about living in Hawaii. It's not higher up becuase a. it’s not realistic and b. it’s very expensive.
11. Virginia
There’s a lot of cool history. Also it's on the east coast. That is my preferred coast.
12. Florida
I’ve always said Florida is a place for people from NJ who were too much of wussies to handle the weather. Too bad for me that describes myself. So yeah, I guess I was sort of made for Florida. Also I could go to Disney World whenever I wanted.
13. Pennsylvania
I’ve already lived here. It was nice. Philadelphia was alright. You can get great food, and there’s lots of cool history stuff.
14. New Jersey
Because if you had to live in a suburb and commute, wouldn’t you want that city to be NYC? Yeah. Jerz, I get it. I've lived here before and I like Kansas better, but New Jersey is alright. It’s a love/hate relationship, but it’s mostly love.
15. Connecticut
I can get a train to NYC from here.
16. Massachusetts
Because FINE BOSTON. I UNDERSTAND YOU’RE PRETTY. Also would rather be freezing on the east coast than freezing out in the middle of nowhere.
17. Rhode Island
Same east coast freezing rationale.
18. Kentucky
I think I’d do well in the south. Sweet tea. Would move to Kentucky just for the cheerleading.
19. Louisiana
This would’ve been much higher on the list had my brother not gotten shot here. Still a very nice place. COOL CULTURE. People would want to visit often. Also Bey and Jay's tour went to New Orleans and didn't come to Kansas City so...
20. Delaware
Train ride to NYC.
21. Illinois
Because living in Chicago wouldn’t be the END OF THE WORLD, but it’s not NYC. Never will be NYC. CHICAGO STOP TRYING TO BE NYC. Also it snows here like, always. I couldn't do it.
22. Missouri
Would be lower on the list, but the reality of it is I’ll probably end up living in Missouri to be closer to work. Womp womp. REFUSE to get a Missouri driver’s license tho. REFUSE. Do not let this moderately high ranking lead you to believe that Missouri is NOT the butthole of America, becasue it is.
23. Alabama
I don't know. Middle of the list. More of a “there are a lot of places that could be worse” thing. Also sweet tea.
24. Mississippi
See Alabama description.
25. Arizona
See Mississippi description. Also I would probably fare well here because zero humidity and warmth.
26. Maryland
Baltimore seems dangerous (Ray Rice) but I would be close to family. Also the Baltimore Aquarium is COOL.
27. Oregon
Only ranked this high as long as Megan Lewis is there. Drops significantly once she moves out.
28. Arkansas
See Alabama description.
29. Minnesota
If I HAD to move somewhere that’s THIS COLD, at least this is a big city. Plus Mall of America is in Minnesota.
30. Maine
I don’t think I’d like it here, but I'm unsure.
31. Nevada
At least it's dry and warm. I feel like I would feel eternally hungover in Nevada just from breathing the same air as people in Vegas do.
32. West Virginia
At least I’d still be in the Big 12? I don't think I'd like it here.
33. Nebraska
Only reason it’s this high is because it’s a short drive home to KC.
34. Wisconsin
It’s freezing. I would hate it here. But Go Pack.
35. Utah
Snows too much. But wouldn’t mind if I could live with Aunt Patty and Uncle Richie.
36. Michigan
37. Vermont
38. New Hampshire
see Vermont description.
39. Washington
I know nobody and nothing about this place.
40. Indiana
41. Wyoming
42. Idaho
43. New Mexico
44. Montana
EVEN MORE BORING (I was able to list 49 of the 50 states from memory. Like that episode of Friends. Montana was the one I forgot)
45. South Dakota
46. North Dakota
47. Iowa
Freezing, not even beautiful like some of the cold western states.
48. Alaska
Far away from the fam, and it’s one of those places where you run into that issue where you only get so much sunlight a day? No thanks. Also snow. That's a given.
49. Colorado
Because the “we’re so cool bc we can smoke weed” thing is the most annoying thing in the world. WE GET IT. ITS NOT THAT COOL. Also it snows there. A lot.
50. Ohio
Worst state in the nation. Bye.
365 Lovely Thoughts: #266
"In your soul are infinitely precious things that cannot be taken from you."
-Oscar Wilde
Jimmy v. Blake Shelton v. Gwen Stefani
There's no way I wasn't going to share this. I'm literally crying I'm laughing so hard. This rocks. I love you, Jimmy Fallon.
365 Lovely Thoughts: #257
"Life is a great big canvas, and you should throw all the paint you can on it."
-Danny Kaye
Today is a hard day. I know it's been a while since I've been around, and this is a dark way to return to the sparkly hallowed halls of of Get a Klew, but to not write today wouldn't be right.
I should preface by saying I'm from north Jersey. We could see the smoke from the higher hills in my area. Plenty of our parents then, and us now, worked in the city. It's only forty miles away. I didn't know what a World Trade Center was when I was ten. I just knew the Twin Towers we always spotted on the skyline. The ones we took photos in front of on the ferry. I was in 5th grade. My mother picked us up almost immediately. We had lived in Singapore for a while a few years before, and she knew what the outside world thought of America. She did not think it was over.
The day has always stuck with me. There were a few from my community we lost entirely, more who lost jobs and livelihoods in the fallout. There were none of us entirely unscathed.
I ended up writing my English thesis in college on children in 9/11 literature, inspired jointly by Jonathan Safran Foer's Extrememly Loud & Incredibly Close which had been recommended to me by my senior year English teacher in high school, and my mother's own method of reaching out to me in the aftermath of that day. Naturally, she bought me a book. Joyce Maynard's The Usual Rules was about a thirteen year old girl who lost her mother September 11th. My mother and I never talked about that day, we just went to the church services and memorials, we cooked for grieving families, and she spoke to me through a book. That was enough. There weren't words for it then, anyway.
Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close reopened and salved old hurts seven years later, and has not left me. My copy is underlined and written in and beloved. The story weaves the thoughts of nine-year-old Oskar Schell, who lost his father that morning, with narratives from his grandparents who survived the Dresden bombings of World War II. When I first read the novel, this section from Oskar seemed to capture how it felt to be a kid, swallowing that day.
I should preface by saying I'm from north Jersey. We could see the smoke from the higher hills in my area. Plenty of our parents then, and us now, worked in the city. It's only forty miles away. I didn't know what a World Trade Center was when I was ten. I just knew the Twin Towers we always spotted on the skyline. The ones we took photos in front of on the ferry. I was in 5th grade. My mother picked us up almost immediately. We had lived in Singapore for a while a few years before, and she knew what the outside world thought of America. She did not think it was over.
The day has always stuck with me. There were a few from my community we lost entirely, more who lost jobs and livelihoods in the fallout. There were none of us entirely unscathed.
I ended up writing my English thesis in college on children in 9/11 literature, inspired jointly by Jonathan Safran Foer's Extrememly Loud & Incredibly Close which had been recommended to me by my senior year English teacher in high school, and my mother's own method of reaching out to me in the aftermath of that day. Naturally, she bought me a book. Joyce Maynard's The Usual Rules was about a thirteen year old girl who lost her mother September 11th. My mother and I never talked about that day, we just went to the church services and memorials, we cooked for grieving families, and she spoke to me through a book. That was enough. There weren't words for it then, anyway.
Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close reopened and salved old hurts seven years later, and has not left me. My copy is underlined and written in and beloved. The story weaves the thoughts of nine-year-old Oskar Schell, who lost his father that morning, with narratives from his grandparents who survived the Dresden bombings of World War II. When I first read the novel, this section from Oskar seemed to capture how it felt to be a kid, swallowing that day.
We need much bigger pockets, I thought as I lay in bed, counting off the seven minutes that it takes a normal person to fall asleep. We need enormous pockets, pockets big enough for our families, and our friends, and even the people who aren't on our lists, people we've never met but still want to protect. We need pockets for boroughs and for cities, a pocket that could hold the universe.
Now, thirteen years later, with the world still not snuggled safely in a pocket, scary as ever, I think of this later passage from Oskar's grandmother remembering her sister, lost in Dresden, and it's the lesson I still try to learn from this day and all the others.
I had never told her how much I loved her.
She was my sister.
We slept in the same bed.
There was never a right time to say it.
It was always unnecessary.
The books in my father's shed were sighing.
The sheets were rising and falling around me with Anna's breathing.
I thought about waking her.
But it was unnecessary.
There would be other nights.
And how can you say I love you to someone you love?
I rolled onto my side and fell asleep next to her.
Here is the point of everything I have been trying to tell you, Oskar.
It's always necessary.
I love you.
Whether you're reading this or not, or if we've met or not, today or any other, know I'd put you in my pocket, and I love you too. It's the best we can do.
klew's state of the union
Well, it's been a while.
I was thinking about sitting down to write a post and I realized that I don't really have anything huge to say that could take up a whole post, but I do have a bunch of little things. So comes the birth of "Klew's State of the Union," just a bunch of things floating around in my head as of late.
I think that's all for now.
I was thinking about sitting down to write a post and I realized that I don't really have anything huge to say that could take up a whole post, but I do have a bunch of little things. So comes the birth of "Klew's State of the Union," just a bunch of things floating around in my head as of late.
- The biggest thing in my life right now is this chapstick I'm trying to finish. Like I'm almost all the way through an entire chapstick. It's actually really hard to finish an entire chapstick. They get lost so easily. I've misplaced this one like 5 times but it keeps popping back up. Stay tuned.
- On a similar note, why do they make the shampoo bottle and the conditioner bottle the same size? I always run out of shampoo way before I run out of conditioner. So then I go buy a new shampoo and run out of conditioner while I'm like, full of shampoo. Its a vicious cycle. It's like the hot dogs and hot dog rolls thing.
- Keke Palmer debuted as Cinderella on Broadway last night. I saw a clip of her. She's really good. I'm fine with it. I was mad about it at first because I didn't know if she was going to have the talent to do the singing justice, but she totally does. Good for her. Plus I watched her do an interview and she's all about empowering girls to accomplish their dreams. Rock on Keke.
- On a similar note, CINDERELLA IS CLOSING ON JANUARY 3. I am devastated. Do we really want to live in a world where Cinderella is not dancing with the prince every day? Is that something we're ready to commit to? Nope. No.
- I recently started a new job! It is great. I enjoy it. I do not enjoy the commute, however. This is just further motivation to get my shit together so I can move closer to Kansas City.
- I have learned my lesson that if you are unhappy, make a change. Thx Cinderella. Thx family and friends. Thx other fairytales. Your lesson got through to me.
- The Bachelor in Paradise finale was lame. I wanted to watch somebody get arrested or something.
- I got my own Fantasy Football team. My family made a league and didn't invite me to play more or less because I was a girl (they didn't ask me because they didn't think I would be interested). I put up this huge stink about being a victim of gender profiling (I was kidding of course), but my uncle decided he didn't have enough time to manage his team so I took over. My team name is "Klew be Bossin it" (thanks to Chris Moffo), and my avatar is Kristin Wiig as Cinderella drinking a martini and saying "whatever." I think it's a pretty accurate representation of how I feel about playing Fantasy Football.
- I lost my first week by two points. Also I had Ray Rice on my team. I released him. Punching your wife in the face may result in a two game suspension from the league but it results in lifetime suspension from Klew Be Bossin It. Sorry. Team policy.
- I really want to get some cool red pants for KC Cheer competitions.
- Fame just got all of their choreography. It's really cute. I'm really excited to get this season started.
- I want to open my own Etsy shop. Looking into that later.
I think that's all for now.
365 Lovely Thoughts: #253
"Sing your song, dream your dream, hope your hope and pray your prayer."
-Pakenham Beatty
365 Lovely Thoughts: #249
"Cherish forever what makes you unique, 'cuz you're really a yawn if it goes."
-Bette Midler
365 Lovely Thoughts: #244
"Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible!'"
-Audrey Hepburn
365 Lovely Thoughts: #241
"Find the seed at the bottom of your heart and bring forth a flower."
-Shigenori Kameoka
365 Lovely Thoughts: #212
"Nobody really cares if you're miserable, so you might as well be happy."
-Cynthia Nelms
365 Lovely Thoughts: #238
"Life loves to be taken by the lapel and told, 'I'm with you kid. Let's go.'"
-Maya Angelou
365 Lovely Thoughts: #233
"Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things."
-Robert Brault
365 Lovely Thoughts: #232
"The key is to keep company only with people who uplift you, whose presence calls forth your best."
i'm back from NYC
It was awesome. A lot of people were actually pretty surprised I even came home. I kind of am too.
I went with two of my friends Jesse and Lauren. Jesse's company has a corporate apartment in Hell's Kitchen that we were able to stay in for FREE. Yes. Free. Zero dollars a night. It was such a game changer. We spent less than $300 on the entire trip (not counting flights), which is AWESOME considering how much stuff we did.
I've written posts for each of the days, and posted retroactively:
Thursday: Jimmy Fallon and Cinderella
Friday: Sayville and A Gentleman's Guide to Love and Murder
Saturday: Brooklyn Bridge and Chinatown
Sunday: Aladdin and Central Park
I love NYC you guys. I love it so much.
I went with two of my friends Jesse and Lauren. Jesse's company has a corporate apartment in Hell's Kitchen that we were able to stay in for FREE. Yes. Free. Zero dollars a night. It was such a game changer. We spent less than $300 on the entire trip (not counting flights), which is AWESOME considering how much stuff we did.
I've written posts for each of the days, and posted retroactively:
Thursday: Jimmy Fallon and Cinderella
Friday: Sayville and A Gentleman's Guide to Love and Murder
Saturday: Brooklyn Bridge and Chinatown
Sunday: Aladdin and Central Park
I love NYC you guys. I love it so much.
Favorite things I did in NYC
I recently took the most kickass trip to New York City. You can read all about it (I encourage you to read all about it), but here's a list of the Highlights:
23. Lunch in Chinatown
22. Walking around SoHo
21. A Frrrozen Hot Chocolate from Serendipity 3
20. A Chocolate Milkshake from Juniors
19. Sailing in Sayville
18. Lighting a Candle in St. Patrick's Cathedral
17. 5th Avenue
15. A Gentleman's Guide to Love and Murder
14. Schmackary's
13. Meeting Kyle and Shannon out on Friday night
12. The view at 230 Fifth
11. Having lunch at 5 Napkin Burger with my fam
10. The Library Bar at the NoMad Hotel
9. Watching the sunset in Central Park
8. The Brooklyn Bridge
7. Broadway in Bryant Park
6. Sayville Chocolatier
5. Rooftop drinking at Kyle & Shannon's apartment in TriBeCa
4. Cinderella
3. High fived Jimmy Fallon
2. Sat in the front row at Jimmy Fallon
1. Aladdin
23. Lunch in Chinatown
22. Walking around SoHo
21. A Frrrozen Hot Chocolate from Serendipity 3
20. A Chocolate Milkshake from Juniors
19. Sailing in Sayville
18. Lighting a Candle in St. Patrick's Cathedral
17. 5th Avenue
15. A Gentleman's Guide to Love and Murder
14. Schmackary's
13. Meeting Kyle and Shannon out on Friday night
12. The view at 230 Fifth
11. Having lunch at 5 Napkin Burger with my fam
10. The Library Bar at the NoMad Hotel
9. Watching the sunset in Central Park
8. The Brooklyn Bridge
7. Broadway in Bryant Park
6. Sayville Chocolatier
5. Rooftop drinking at Kyle & Shannon's apartment in TriBeCa
4. Cinderella
3. High fived Jimmy Fallon
2. Sat in the front row at Jimmy Fallon
1. Aladdin
Gimme A Doggie Bag, I'm Takin' it Home!
Sunday was probably my second favorite day of our trip (because Thursday already took the cake as one of the greatest days of my life).
We woke up at our own leisure and just spent the morning killing time until it was time to meet Kerry, Kyle, Shannon, Kyle and Annie at 5 Napkin Burger for lunch. We had pizza and smoothies for breakfast because we make the rules, and we ate on the stoop of a cute apartment. We were all about feeling like we lived there lol. We tried to use the CitiBikes but we kind of failed miserably.
We also got to go to Schmackary's. It's a cookie place that literally shared a building with the restaurant where we were supposed to have lunch. It is adorable, and the cookies are DELICIOUS. I had a smores cookie. I was the happiest camper because you know how much I love cookies. Also fun fact about Schmackary's: you can go on their website and send cookies to broadway shows. They have a lot of ties with the Broadway community and all of the actors have "favorite cookies." They also team up with Broadway Cares Equity Fights AIDS to raise money and the stars of various shows will come in and work in the shop to raise money. It was cool to see a place that I hear so many people talk about! Also I love cookies so....
We woke up at our own leisure and just spent the morning killing time until it was time to meet Kerry, Kyle, Shannon, Kyle and Annie at 5 Napkin Burger for lunch. We had pizza and smoothies for breakfast because we make the rules, and we ate on the stoop of a cute apartment. We were all about feeling like we lived there lol. We tried to use the CitiBikes but we kind of failed miserably.
We also got to go to Schmackary's. It's a cookie place that literally shared a building with the restaurant where we were supposed to have lunch. It is adorable, and the cookies are DELICIOUS. I had a smores cookie. I was the happiest camper because you know how much I love cookies. Also fun fact about Schmackary's: you can go on their website and send cookies to broadway shows. They have a lot of ties with the Broadway community and all of the actors have "favorite cookies." They also team up with Broadway Cares Equity Fights AIDS to raise money and the stars of various shows will come in and work in the shop to raise money. It was cool to see a place that I hear so many people talk about! Also I love cookies so....
We had Lunch at 5 Napkin Burger in Hell's Kitchen. I thought it was absolutely delicious. We met Kyle, Kerry, Shannon and Annie too. It was awesome to be able to spend the day with them. We finished up with lunch and headed over to the New Amsterdam Theater to see the matinee of Aladdin on Broadway.
You guys, IT WAS THE MOST AMAZING THING I HAVE EVER SEEN IN MY ENTIRE LIFE. I can't say enough good things about this show. I always love to see musicals that are based on movies I love. It's cool seeing characters come to life and feel like you're transported into the movie, but this was unlike anything I've ever seen. Especially since I grew up watching movies like The Little Mermaid and Aladdin with Kerry and Ky, and I got to sit and watch the musical with them. It was a little bit different than the movie, but in the best way. We were all in AWE the entire time. The actors were so insanely talented and the production value was AMAZING. Have I said the word amazing too many times yet?
There were more than 300 costumes in the production. The number "Prince Ali" ALONE had 80 different costumes. Different groups of people just KEPT ON MARCHING out onto the stage, and after like three or four groups I realized it was the same 15 people changing their costumes! Each costume was made with beautiful rich fabrics and TONS of sparkles. During "A Whole New World" the entire stage is covered with sparkling stars. The entire thing was a visual TREAT.
The cave of wonders literally rose out of the sand. The carpet flies freely across the stage. I have no idea how they did it, but it was magical. I had goosebumps practically the entire time, and tears in my eyes more than once.
We got to see James Monroe Iglehart as the Genie, a role he recently won a TONY award for. MAN OH MAN DID HE DESERVE IT. He was INCREDIBLE. He stole the show for sure. "Friend Like Me" is like 10 minutes long and he DOESN'T. STOP. MOVING. for the entire number. I watched the entire thing with tears in my eyes because it was so filled with joy. I never wanted it to stop. How lucky he must feel to be able to bring that much happiness to people every single day. I heard my aunt audibly gasp when tap dancers came out, and there was a 5 minute long standing ovation at the end of the number. I have never heard an audience cheer that loud in a Broadway show. It was delightful.
I never wanted it to end. RUN don't walk to see this show.
After the show was over we stuck around and met some of the actors outside the stage door. That. Was. Awesome. Courtney Reed (Jasmine) told me she liked my phone case. Lauren got a selfie with James Monroe Iglehart (Genie). The entire thing was just so cool.
After Aladdin we had tickets to see Assssscat3000, but we skipped it. I was kind of bummed, but we still hadn't seen Central Park. I decided it was more important for Jesse and Lauren to see Central Park, and they agreed. We walked down 5th avenue on a high from that amazing production and watched the sunset in Central Park. It was like a dream. Also I felt very Mindy as we were walking through Central Park, because that place is like land of the romantic comedy.
We finished off our evening at the Library Bar in the NoMad hotel. It was a bar that Jimmy Fallon once spoke of on his show, so naturally we wanted to try it. It had sort of a speakeasy vibe and had really cool gourmet drinks. It was the perfect end to a perfect trip.
I'm so lucky I was able to take this trip, and I will remember it for the rest of my life. So much amazing culture and food and people. My heart is full.
The Brooklyn Bridge is really cool
Today we had nothing planned, so we decided to do the Brooklyn Bridge. It was top of Lauren's list of things to do, and I had never been. We took the subway to Brooklyn and then walked the bridge back to Manhattan.
The views on the bridge were AMAZING. Amazing amazing amazing. You can see literally everything.
I loved to see the Freedom Tower and all that, but I will always love the view of the Empire State Building best. It's just so...New York. Not that the Freedom Tower isn't, but I like looking over toward the Empire State Building. Also super bummed we didn't go to the 9/11 memorial because I've heard it's absolutely breathtaking.
The views on the bridge were AMAZING. Amazing amazing amazing. You can see literally everything.
I loved to see the Freedom Tower and all that, but I will always love the view of the Empire State Building best. It's just so...New York. Not that the Freedom Tower isn't, but I like looking over toward the Empire State Building. Also super bummed we didn't go to the 9/11 memorial because I've heard it's absolutely breathtaking.
After our trip across the Bridge we had lunch in Chinatown. We ate at a place with a B in the window. I know, I KNOW, you're not supposed to do that. But whatevs. We did it. Nobody died. It was delicious. We shopped around SoHo for a while, and then we were in need of a fat nap. All three of us crashed on our couch for a solid two hours. I wonder how many miles we walked during this trip.
Once we woke up from our nap we headed back into midtown to eat Juniors for dinner. If you know me you know I wasn't about to leave NYC without a milkshake from this place. Juniors, you're too good to me.
We also got to go see Kyle and Shannon's apartment tonight. They live in a GORGEOUS studio apartment in TriBeCa. We just hung out and had drinks on their rooftop, which has a view just as gorgeous as the ones from the Brooklyn Bridge. It was also awesome to get to spend time with the fam. This was the second time I got to hang out with Ky and Shannon THIS SUMMER. That's so rare and it's a lucky thing.
New York City, you look so good on us.