In the lobby of our Dallas hotel, the night before day one of NCA all star nationals, an event I used to compete at. After a long ass day of work and a flight I'm exhausted and sitting alone devouring whataburger. All of the cheerleaders are walking past me in their sports bras and bows and I can tell they're judging the shit outta me. I wish I had a sign that said "TAKE A PICTURE. THIS IS WHAT RETIREMENT LOOKS LIKE." Read em and weep ladies. This cheeseburger is delicious, and I don't miss my abs (much)
365 Lovely Thoughts: #55
"If you were born without wings, do nothing to prevent them from growing."
-Coco Chanel
365 Lovely Thoughts: #51
"If you have knowledge, let others light their candles with it."
-Winston Churchill
I'm actually obsessed with Paper Source
You guys, the other day was Valentine's Day. So on my lunch break I went to buy some Valentines. This was partly because I actually wanted to send Valentines to my friends, but mostly because I wanted to spend an hour wandering around Paper Source admiring everything. There are cards for literally everything you can think of and they're all so colorful and extravagant and I just love them. There is also a giant assortment of random gifty crap that nobody ever needs, but I love that kind of crap. I accidentally ended up buying way too much stuff.
So I'm actually just going to share with you some of my items I purchased. I'm really stoked about them, and now my desk looks more like myself.
1. Kate Spade Sticky Notes
I love literally everything Kate Spade makes ever. They are in a cute little holder, and all have little gold embellishments on them. They are all different sizes and REALLY STICKY, which is great. Perfect for my little desk
2. This cool Calendar.
Idk it was on sale. It all happened so fast. But it is helpful, it comes in its own little stand, and one of my co-workers complimented me on it.
3. This awesome notepad
So I'm actually just going to share with you some of my items I purchased. I'm really stoked about them, and now my desk looks more like myself.
1. Kate Spade Sticky Notes
I love literally everything Kate Spade makes ever. They are in a cute little holder, and all have little gold embellishments on them. They are all different sizes and REALLY STICKY, which is great. Perfect for my little desk
2. This cool Calendar.
Idk it was on sale. It all happened so fast. But it is helpful, it comes in its own little stand, and one of my co-workers complimented me on it.
3. This awesome notepad
I absolutely love this. It's big enough so that I can write my daily tasks on it and cross them off as I finish. Every day has a cute little quote down at the bottom. I love finding inspiring quotes that are unique, because I feel like the same four are always used on everyting. "Be the change you wish to see in the world." Ya, we get it Ghandi. This one has some I've never seen before, and they all brighten your day. I'm going to post the good ones on here. #365LovelyThoughts
So yeah. I love Paper Source. Go during your lunch break and admire all the stuff that's in there. That's all.
Bachelor Week 7
This week the Bachelor was just a lot of fabricated drama if you ask me. I feel like the producers just dragged out a bunch of crap because it wasn't that interesting.
Like Sharleen leaving. WHY DID WE HAVE TO WATCH YOU CONTEMPLATE THAT FOR 20 MINUTES. Like there's two options: Stay or Leave. Pick one. Props to her for leaving because she didn't think she would be ready to get engaged. You rock for being able to admit that to yourself. Sad to see Sharleen go because she always made interesting fashion decisions.
Also the fight between Nikki and Clare.
Here's what happened from what I gathered:
Nikki came downstairs to hear about their group date, which Clare was pouting about because she didn't "win," there was an awkward vibe, Nikki got the sense that it was headed to a catty place, so she got up and left.
Clare took this to be Nikki being negative and rude and felt the need to confont her about it. They got in a super awkward argument that frankly just made both of them look stupid. (Clare more so than Nikki.)
It was bad news. Bad reflection on girls everywhere. Not helping our rep.
But the way I see it, Clare's a psycho. Nikki treated her as such. Nikki wins. Nikki's normal. KC Homegurls represent. Don't care.
Chelsie was the other one to get cut at the end of the night. She went so gracefully if you ask me. Felt bad for her, but you're 24 girlfriend. Your life ain't over yet.
The entire episode was kind of boring if you ask me. The previews for next week look like a glorious bunch of bullshit though.
He's going to Kansas City for the hometown dates! Woo! I'm actually stoked to watch the hometowns because I want to see if they go to any places I know.
365 Lovely Thoughts: #48
"I am seeking. I am striving. I am in it with all my heart."
-Vincent van Gogh
Happy Valentine's Day!
It's that time again fools. Valentine's Day is here again!
While no, I don't have a boyfriend (but I do have an iPhone. iPhone/Boyfriend combo is the pinnacle of all existence if you didn't already know. Will discuss at a later date), I do LOVE Valentine's day. In elementary school you got that entire party where you got to craft yourself a cute little box and pick out various character themed Valentines to give to your classmates. Mine were obviously always Disney Princess themed. duh.
In college, living in the sorority house always brought all kinds of surprises. Mom Tom always had candy all over the house and people's parents/boyfriends would send flowers to the house so there would be blooms EVERYWHERE YOU TURNED! Plus on Valentines day lots of brands do "all red and pink" flavored versions of their candy. Red is the best flavor. Always. Also cheap drinks because it's a holiday. So I'm asking you...what's not to love!?
A few years ago my parents came to Lawrence and took me to the Eldridge for Valentine's Day (I always have a meal with M&D on V-day. Today we went to PF Changs. It was delish. But I digress) Anyways, eldridge. Since it was Valentine's day me and Dad got a Mint Chocolate Martini. And by "a mint chocolate martini" i mean "3 Mint chocolate Martinis." They gave me a cute little heart shaped trinket and dropped me off at chapter a little buzzed, which kept things interesting the rest of the night. It was a fab day!
Last year on Valentine's day we had RCR rehearsal. There were all kinds of treats that our cast members brought us, and a boy gave me a puppy. Granted, the boy was McElvain and the Puppy was neither mine nor his, so this is in no way a significant Valentine gesture. What's important to remember here is that I got to cuddle with a puppy on Valentines Day and it was adorable.
I really don't understand those people that "boycott" Valentine's Day. Like, "I have no boyfriend I'm going to die alone I hate love I hate Valentine's Day." Sorry but NEWSFLASH: Valentine's Day is meant to celebrate the people you love! You can't tell me if you don't have a boyfriend that there is nobody you love. Everyone has a best friend. Most people have a puppy. Everyone has a MOM. So give someone a piece of candy. Send them a card. DO SOMETHING TO MAKE THEIR DAY! I went into the stationary store yesterday during my lunch break to admire everything in there and ended up buying a ton of Valentines for my pals. It was fun to write to them just being like "yo. remember that i love you tons! have a gr8 day!" And now I'm excited for them to recieve them. THAT'S WHAT VALENTINE'S DAY IS ALL ABOUT!
Here's a list of some of my favorite Valentine's I've seen/recieved/sent this year.
10. This @QueenLesli one
9. This awesome Cinderella one Shanna sent me.
8. This hilarious one that Bones sent me. Which I in turn sent to like 4 million other people
7. This one that I gave to Dan Woodward (bc no labels tho)
6. Not really a Valentine, but how can you not love this. Especially on Valentine's Day
5. This hilarious Newsies one I sent to Zee
4. This other gr8 Newsies one. I love Newsies.
3. These awesome Parks & Rec Valentines. (Happy Belated Galentine's Day Btw.)
2. THIS AMAZING AMY POEHLER VIDEO +Kathryn Hoven SENT ME. I love Amy so much.
1. This hilarious Shark valentine I found and Instagrammed and sent to all people. I think it's hilarious.
So that's all. Now I'm home and too tired to do anything and lay around with Lucy. I'm eating chocolate and am all snuggly, so I don't hate it.
Hope it was a fantastic Valentine's day!
365 Lovely Thoughts: #43
"If you work really hard, and you're kind, amazing things will happen."
-Conan O'Brian
I'm so high tech
This "schedule posts" thing rocks because I can write whatever I want at whatever hour of the night and it'll post when I tell it to so they come up at normal viewing hours. Like it's night time on Tuesday but I'm telling it to post at 8:53 tomorrow morning because I can. That's technology. That's cool. That's all.
Am I a professional blogger yet?
365 Lovely Thoughts: #42
"Always keep your beautiful imagination and exquisite humor."
-Rebecca Puig
We have 4 million photos together so here's some of the greats. Last year on this day we were in the Lied Center eating cupcakes and WATCHING BASKETBALL ON TV NOT THE LITTLE DOTS, now we're boring grownups who don't deal with issues like RoboGroom and Snow Day Drama and Snickers Bar incidents. Love you so much +Taylor Renft have the most fab day ever!
Bachelor Week 6
I don't really have much to say this week. They went to New Zeland. I think it's safe to say I cannot name a single city located in New Zeland. I'm 23. Probably should learn something because how ignorant is that.
JUAN PABLO AND THE LANGUAGE BARRIER OMG. See below. What is this supposed to say. I mean I can use context clues to figure it out but like, PROOFREAD.
They did this really cool thing where they rode these huge inflatable balls down a hill. They were filled with water and bouncy. It looked so fun.
He dumped Cassandra on her birthday lol. So awkward. Why didn't she tell him it was her Birthday? lolololol omg.
Also Clare annoys the living crap out of me. I hate how he obviously favors her. It's so annoying how Jaun Pablo keeps saying he's trying to be "fair" yet he goes out of his way to spend extra time with Clare and she's gotten two one-on-one dates. At one point last night they decided to put on sweats and Juan Pablo told her she looked beautiful and she was like "OMG HE THINKS IM BEAUTIFUL EVEN IN SWEATS!!!!! (giggle giggle squeal.) stop. shut up. hate that.
Favorite is still Renee. I think it will be dumb if he doesn't pick her. She's perfect for him. Sometimes I think the Bachelors get it in their minds that they have been given an opportunity to meet so many women and date women they wouldn't normally date so they feel like they have to shock and awe and pick someone who isn't predictable. I hate that they do that. Like if you like what you like, then who cares? Why would you go for shock value. You don't go for shock value when choosing who you're gonna spend the rest of your life with. You go for shock value when picking your freakin prom dress. Idiots.
Srsly though I'd love to go on this show because they've gotten to go on some kickass trips.
Also Sharleen decided she wanted to leave at the last 5 minutes of the episode last night. So they're gonna drag that out for 2 weeks. Unnecessary.
365 Lovely Thoughts: #38
"Now and then it's good to pause in our pursuit of happiness and just be happy."
-Guillaume Apollinaire
Bachelor Week 5
The Bachelor went to Vietnam this week. Which I think is hilarious, because me and Bones were able to make a lot of "since Nam" comments. I would love to go to one of these Asian countries like they do in these shows. THey look SO EXOTIC and cool. And I want to see floating lanterns like they have in Tangled, and I know they do that in Thailand.
HE FINALLY WENT ON A DATE WITH RENEE THANK THE LORD. She's the most normal and from what I can tell the best fit for him. If he doesn't end up with Renee then I'm writing this season off as having had too much interference from the producers.
He also went on a date with Nikki, our homegirl from KCMO. I kind of lost interest because I was trying to eat my dinner at this point, but I like her. They keep trying to write her off as the bitch, but it's a contrived effort if you ask me. She's also pretty normal. And props to her for being from KCMO.
He went on a group date with everybody else and stupid Clare kept monopolizing all of his time. She hopped in the little boat thing with him and they were like making out the whole time. And then at the night time part where they get dressed up and have drinks they like went off in the pool by themselves for a really long time. Meanwhile he didn't kiss Renee on their one on one date because he thought that would be "inappropriate." Then he gave Clare the rose for the group date, although he had a really touching moment with Andi. If you ask me, Juan Pablo is pretty contradictory. Also Clare did that thing where she sneaks over to his apartment after hours and asks him to go swimming with her. OKAY YA ALL YOU DID WAS SWIM. I hate when people do that. I hope all the other girls find out she did that and the shit hits the fan. Juan Pablo came to her during the rose ceremony and told her it was probably a bad idea and she got all dramatic and started crying. Good Clare. You did that to yourself. You're a drama queen. Time for you to go.
Kelly the Dog Lover went home. Pretty bummed about that because she was a pot-stirrer and I loved watching her start stupid shit between different girls.
Carly Rae Jepsen is Cinderella and I have a lot of feelings about it.
You guys, today's the day.
Carly Rae Jepsen is starting as Cinderella on Broadway.
At first I was so mad about it. I am obsessed with Laura Osnes, and was so sad to hear she was leaving. She's literally perfect as Cinderella, and while I know nobody stays in a role forever, it was just a heartbreaking reality to have to embrace. She did do a Princess Diary about her last performance as Cinderella though and it was the perfect way for her to say goodbye. I loved every second. Thanks for being a phenomenal Cinderella Laura, you were inspiring AF when I saw you, and I think you're a badass. Love ya, Mean it.
Sarah Hyland was on my side too. Im TELLING YOU PEOPLE. We would be friends.
I didn't want Carly Rae to do it mostly because I didn't want to see Laura leave. But I also got all worked up because CINDERELLA IS MY THING TO BE CRAZY OBSESSED ABOUT AND NOW I HAVE TO SHARE IT WITH A BUNCH OF TEENY BOPPER IDIOTS WHO ONLY ARE INTERESTED IN IT BECAUSE OF CARLY RAE. Like, I don't want to see Cinderella on the pages of freakin tiger beat magazine. It's my thing. Leave me alone.
Also like Rodgers & Hammerstein's story is NOT the Disney story that everyone knows. When people got on social media and were like "WHY IS SHE CINDERELLA SHES NOT BLONDE" I got so mad because 1. wigs and 2. SHE DOESNT HAVE TO BE BLONDE. The R&H version is so much more about Cinderella herself and how to be kind to people and follow your dreams. I didn't want Carly Rae to come in all "disney" and ruin the amazing image Laura and the Original Broadway Cast have given us.
BUTTTT I do really enjoy Carly Rae. I'm that girl who still loves when Call Me Maybe comes on, and I love that she's been posting a ton of stuff on her instagram about behind the scenes at Cinderella. The news of her being the new lead has brought Cinderella up in a lot of different places so it's making it a lot easier for me to be obsessed with it :) hehe I have to dig less. Also she's not going all Disney on us. She's doing a good job at keeping up what's already there (from what I can tell on social media anyways)
![]() |
Exhibit A: She was in the New York Times |
There are so many people that are like OMG SHES GOING TO BE AWFUL AT IT SHES GOING TO SUCK SHES NOT BROADWAY MATERIAL. Those people need to chill out. Obviously they wouldn't have cast her if she couldn't physically do the job. I also think she's got a good head on her shoulders and has a squeaky clean image and seems really nice.
So I guess I'm okay with Carly Rae being Cinderella. I'm excited to hear the songs as she sings them, and if you really think about it, it's probably a dream come true for her. So ya while I'm bummed that Laura Osnes isn't Cinderella anymore, if any star had to step into these glass slippers, I'm glad its her. Good Luck today Carly Rae, hope you crush it. Go make a ton of girls feel as inspired as Laura Osnes made me feel.
(but I still like to whine about how much I miss Laura with Katie Martin and passively agressively comment on all of the Instagrams when I'm upset)
top 10 things i learned while i was looking for a job.
You guys, I finally got a job. It only took 8 months, but I finally did it.
10. Trust your gut.
You don't HAVE to take the first job you're offered. I got offered a job and for some reason I just had a nagging feeling that it was wrong for me. I wasn't excited about the news. It felt more like a punishment than an accomplishment. If it doesn't feel right, if you don't see yourself fitting in with the employees or the environment, say no. You have to go to work every single day. You should at least LIKE it.
9. Ask questions.
Because if they ask you if you have any questions and you say "nope!" then it just looks like you didn't listen to a single thing they said. Also if you're going to take this job it will be a huge life change. You're going to spend the majority of your time at this job. HOW DO YOU NOT HAVE ANY QUESTIONS. (but actually think them through. there are such things as dumb questions in interviews.)
8. Research the Company.
I mean ya they tell you this in school because “it makes you seem interested in the company” …that’s obvious. But for other reasons? I went into an ad agency once and they asked “Which of our clients is your favorite?” Had i not researched the company i would’ve been sitting there like DUHHHHHH IDK U GUYZ. And I would’ve looked stupid. Nobody ever wants to look stupid.
6. Put your social media on LOCK.
This is so important, especially in the journalism/media/business industry. IF EMPLOYERS CAN FIND YOU ON SOCIAL MEDIA AND CAN STALK YOU, YOU BETTER BELIEVE THEY’RE GOING TO DO IT. So yeah maybe you went to that party in college and had half a beer and called it a night by 11pm. If you’re in a Facebook picture sitting at a table with a million red cups and handles of vodka, employers get a REALLLLLLL different impression. You hate miley cyrus and tweet about it regularly? What if the person who wants to hire you is a die hard miley fan. Like it or not, if he/she found all these “i hate miley” tweets, don’t you think a part of them whether they like it or not is going to lean toward a different candidate rather than you? Google yourself on the reg, protect everything, and try to be as politically correct as possible.
5. Follow up.
I HATED DOING THIS SO MUCH BUT YOU HAVE TO. I always thought “well I don’t want to email them again because what if they’re like ‘omg she’s so annoying I’m not giving her the job’ THEY CAN’T BLAME YOU FOR BEING PERSISTENT. Also if they don’t give you a job you’re qualified for because you annoyed them then you probably don’t want to work there anyways. Every email I got a response to was one I wrote to supplement my original message. People like to see that you are thinking about their company and that you want to work there and that you’re motivated and persistent. Ya. They get all of that out of how many times you email them. Also if they’re super busy people sometimes they need a reminder. Hey dude! Still here! Still watching netflix for a living! Give me something to do so you have more time to read and reply to emails!
4. Be early.
Use your GPS thing in your phone to figure out how to get to an interview, and leave yourself a lot of time to DEAL WITH PARKING. Usually interviews are in the city and parking in any city ever is impossible. Leave time for it. Because if you’re late and you say “I couldn’t figure out where to park!” That’s your own damn fault. You’re an idiot for not allotting time for that, the guy interviewing you makes a note you have poor time management skills. Whoops.
3. Use your connections.
I was always like “no I don’t want any favors. I want to get a job on my own merit without any help.” Okay well that’s still a thing, but you DO need the connections to do that. Having someone help get you an interview is not them HELPING you get a job. You still have to do that on your own with your own sparkling personality. But it definitely helps to have someone in the company who can put your resume at the top of the pile and get you a CHANCE to show how awesome you are. They aren’t kidding when they say its not about what you know, it’s about who you know. Annoying as it is to admit…it’s true.2. PAINT YOUR NAILS A GROWNUP COLOR.
No black. No royal blue. No every single finger a different shade of blue. Maybe I did that, maybe I didn’t. But by that I mean I definitely did do that. Not to a job interview, but you know me. If anyone can get away with having her nails be every shade of blue there is, it’s me. JUST NOT TO A JOB INTERVIEW. One time I even had a BRAND NEW MANICURE of black polish. Like it looked perfect and was polished and clean. If you run into that situation I would research the company culture. If they’re a trendy jeans type of place maybe you can get away with it, but if it’s a suit and briefcase kind of place I think probably not in the black polish department. Your best bet is to pick a good nude color to have on hand like Essie Ballet Slippers. You shake people’s hands in job interviews. If you have some chewed up chipped gross fingernails then that’s not good.1. Your mom is right.
Straight up. All the time. You’ll save yourself HOURS (ok fine, MONTHS) if you just listen to what she has to say right off the bat. My mom told me everything on this list needed to be done in MAY when I graduated. Of course I was too proud to take her advice and I had to do things on my own. Had I just listened to what she said I probably would’ve found employment a LOT faster. So ya k fine. You win mom. You were right.365 Lovely Thoughts: #34
"Get over your hill and see what you find there, with grace in your heart and flowers in your hair."
-Mumford & Sons
365 Lovely Thoughts: #32
"I hope you live a life you're proud of. If you find you're not, I hope you have the strength to start all over again."